[INFO] The reason BEAST apologizing to fans!

BEAST's Doojoon apologize to fans in twitter, while Yoseob also apologize to fans in YOZM(T/N: Something like Korean twitter). BEAST Singapore fanbase has tweeted the reasons of the situation!

From : BEAST Singapore Fanbase
Annyeong! B2UTIES, that are a few of you asking us why Yoseob apologise to fans on yozm , and doojoon's tweet~

From what we know, we heard that B2UTIES bash and scold them especially on Yoseob's yozm that BEAST is too "good & intimitate with one of the emcee in Idol Maid.." But well, B2uties, you know that some variety show is scripted, even BEAST themselves can't control. However b2uties scolded them, and Doojoon had to ensure b2uties it's only boardcast in his tweet & Yoseob have to apologise to fans in Yozm.

Because of that , Yoseob & Dongwoon close down the diary section in their Cyworld. We felt upset hearing this.

And from what we know, the number of their fans drop since after this happened... We felt really upset. Cause we know that they care bout B2UTYS.

Let's Hope that fans will stop bashing them, and understand how they feel!

Credits : B2STSG @ Twitter