[Interview] Infinite | My name is…1 Interview part 2

My name is Kim SungGyu. I'm the leader of Infinite. 

I was born on April 28, 1989. I'm the only member born in the 80s, so I feel the generation gap from my dongsengs sometimes. A while ago, I was really fascinated when our magnae SungJong said that he didn't know H.O.T sunbaenims. In our time, there was no way not to know them!

I'm the leader hyung in the team, but at home I'm the magnae. I have a nuna who is five years older than me, and because to her friends I'm a young dongseng, they like to say that we're really cute when they see us on TV. 

I'm JeonBook nobility and used to be in a school band. The band name was 'Beat'…at first, we used to play hardcore band music similar to Pia, Linkin Park, and Limp Bizkit. We also liked Ellegarden and Muse. I was the vocalist and rapper. 

When I was twenty, I had the thought that "I will do rock music", so I came up to Seoul and was active in HongDae district, but the friends who came with me went back and I was the only one left. I began liking different genres such as African-American music, pop, and dance, and I went into my current company and learned how to dance and felt joy from it.

To be honest, the biggest reason I joined the company was because of Nell sunbaenims. They were my idols ever since I began music, so I even have the albums they released underground before their official ones. 

I was really taken aback on the first day filming Mnet's . I thought that we were going to do something cool because they said we had our own program, but as seen on broadcast, Jiae suddenly came into our dorm while we were eating and I hurriedly called our manager hyung. That was all real. It started like that, and I think I showed everything from my face without make-up to taking off my clothes at the bathhouse (SungYeol: Your chest was shown too!), to crying.

Because my body was already revealed before debuting, I didn't have the obsessive thought that I needed to make my body better. We all have accepted that 'we have average bodies'. Occasionally, I think, 'Should I exercise?'. Ha ha ha.

We still keep in touch with Jiae, who appeared as our younger sister. She came to support us at our first performance and at our showcase, and called us after seeing our performance to advise, "Work hard. It'll be hard". She's like a nuna. Ha ha.

While filming for the 'Come Back Again' music video, there were many things to ride, but I rode the limousine. Everyone seems to think that I took the good thing because I'm the eldest, but it's not like that. The director said that the atmosphere suited me… (SungYeol: You don't suit it that well. Ha ha ha~) Eum, I think that he picked the one that he hopes I will suit well in the future.

When I sing, my eyebrows become sad-shaped like the Chinese character for eight (八). After seeing the performance, even my mom said, "Shouldn't you fix that", so I've been paying it a lot of attention and practicing, but it's hard to fix because my eyebrows were born like this. (DongWoo: But SungGyu hyung seems to have a more emotional voice when he has a sad expression.) Now, more people like my eyebrows, and I think that soon WooHyun will begin imitating my expression. He might be practicing it in a place I can't see him. 


My name is Jang DongWoo.

I was born on November 22, 1990. I have two sisters, one who is six years older and one who is three years older. Everyone says that I must have grown up being loved, but in reality I grew up being hit! (SungGyu: He talks like that, but when I occasionally see him talking to his nunas on the phone, they seem to really love him and take care of him.)

My parents told me that they would allow me to sing and dance after I graduated high school, but because of my want to stand on stage faster, I began learning from my first year of high school. My nuna did dance, so I learned that and also danced a lot of R&B, but I think that my audition…I narrowly passed it. Ha ha.

When I first met WooHyun and SungJong, I had a very manly image more than I do now. I grew my hair. (WooHyun: He viewed us competitively because we had come in as trainees before him. Ha ha!) But after we ate together for 30 minutes, we got close. The power of food is indeed impressive.

I gained the nickname 'Kenya DongWoo' from Mnet's . During my school years, my nickname was 'WooDong'. And there are some people who ask me if I'm really from Kenya, and…ha. Those are all misunderstandings. I am a native Korean from the Kyeong-gi-do area.

I once ripped my pants on while dancing. I didn't know at first, but I felt a cool sensation and glanced down to see something white! I hurriedly danced while gripping onto my clothes and afterwards said, "This is a new dance I created", but that part was edited out and the only thing that aired on broadcast was my dancing.

On , Wang Biho teacher once said, "What is Infinite? It's not an implant!". And he said, "No one can even laugh because no one knows who you guys are!", so I thought then, "Ah, we really need to work hard". After the filming, he gently told us to "Work hard and I hope that you guys do well in the future", so I was thankful.

The scene where I'm standing in the rain in the 'Come Back Again' music video took two hours to film. I was doing live and every time I sang, rain would get into my mouth and my eyes wouldn't open, so I got scolded. (WooHyun: Ha…Come…Ba...ck…Aga…in… like that.)

In the dorm, WooHyun, L, and SungYeol share a room. SungGyu hyung, SungJong, and Hoya share another room, and I share a room with our manager hyung. Because I like manager hyung. He he.

I once learned how to play an instrument called a patica. You connect two cacao fruits and make sounds with the sand inside the instrument, and it makes noises like tak, tak, chi, chi. (WooHyun: It's really annoying when you hear it inside the dorm! It keeps going tak, tak, chi, chi-) Ha ha, to use the actual instrument seemed like a waste, so I practiced with a plastic imitation…

Before debut, I decided to keep a daily diary. To be honest, diaries aren't something you show someone, but one day SungGyu hyung said convincingly, "Since I'm the hyung and the leader, I need to know everything you guys are thinking. That way I can lead this team well", and I got confused and thought, 'Could that be true?', so I really showed him. (SungGyu: I thought that his diary would have a lot of philosophical words because he practices rapping and lyrical writing a lot, but all it says is things like, 'Today I ate lunch at this time', 'Today's schedule is this'.)

After that, I never showed my diary to anyone else and carry it around in my bag in fear that the members will see it. If I knew this would happen, I should have bought a diary with a lock on it! (L: Hw about a 007 bag?)


My name is Nam WooHyun.

I was born on February 8, 1991. I have a hyung who is two years older than me. 

My original dream was to become a soccer player. But my body didn't follow me and I eventually quit. If I had kept on with soccer, wouldn't I have been able to play in the South African World Cup? I saw that Lee DongKook player, whom I've admired since I was young, played in the South African World Cup. I felt like he was playing instead of me, so I was really happy. (Everyone: Euhahaha! Instead of you, what? That's not it!) 

To be honest, my looks weren't idol-like. Although I had friends who told me that I was, ha ha ha. Anyway, I had the thought that if my face couldn't make it, then I should work harder at singing, so I came to audition at this company. I liked that there were these musician sunbaenims such as Epik High and Nell here.

I passed the audition confidently with Stevie Wonder's 'Lately'. I think the president passed me after seeing my strong confidence and…confidence. Ha ha ha.

My role model is definitely Stevie Wonder. The reason I started music was to learn about his music, and it touches me that despite his old age, he still passionately enjoys music itself. I'm really sad that I won't be able to go to his performance in Korea this time.

In our dorm, there are two 2-story beds. But SungYeol, L, and me all sleep on the floor, despite the fact that we're the members who do not look like they belong with the ground. (SungJong: Hyung, you suit it. SungGyu: Yah, are you saying that we look like we belong to the ground then?) Ha ha, this is my personal standard.

My liver is in bad shape, so when I eat oily foods, my stomach suffers, but because I love meat so much, if it's in front of my eyes I stuff it down. And it all goes down south…I'm sorry.

I seem to be the best cook in Infinite, but because we eat everyday at the restaurant next to our dorm, I never have a chance to cook for them. In Mnet , I made Jiae an egg dish once, but she said it wasn't tasty. But she only said that for the fun of the show—in reality, it was tasty! (SungGyu: He made a lot and we ate some too, and it really was tasty.)

My first impression of L was that he had a luxurious appearance and a unique atmosphere, but occasionally, he has the pronunciation with satoori, so he feels more familiar and human-like. It makes me think that even handsome L has flaws…

DongWoo hyung is known amongst our group as the 'Gum Angel'. We don't want to see his gums, but when he smiles, it's really pretty. Ha ha.

Recently, SungJong seems to be going through puberty, because we can't mess with him easily. Occasionally, we'll ask him to do something and he'll slam the door and go inside, so I just think, "Whew, I'll just do it myself'. (SungJong: Woah, that's not true! I don't slam the door. It does that because of the wind-) When I ask him to put towels in the washing machine, he throws it with a tak! (SungJong: No, that's not it. Towels need to be shaken before being put in. Why are you making me into a weird kid!)

I've been brushing up on various imitations. I'm confident at Ha DongKyun sunbaenim and MC Mong sunbaenim's imitations, but I get asked, "Why do you keep doing the same ones over and over again?", so I tried something else and it didn't go over well. Oh, I'll show you a small bit of Kwon SangWoo sunbaenim. "Yah, you gaenari-!" and Oh KwangRok sunbaenim's "Ah…I'm annoyed…", and there's Kim YoungChul sunbaenim's "I'm a stone ↘ I write laws-" and lastly, Kim JaeDong sunbaenim, one two three- Ahem! …Ah, you couldn't hear it?

A while ago, we filmed the music video for 'She's Back' at the beach and wore clothes with a marine look. The member who suited it the most was, of course, me…I thought so, but because I dyed my hair black, fans told me that I look like a president who went golfing. Heuk- I was fresh before!

I'm a 'bolmae' (the more you look at him, the more charming he is). You might not know at first, but you have to keep looking constantly. There's a definite charm here of slight dirtiness and looking old-aged!