[Interview] ZE:A's YOZM Star Interview

Member who is different during broadcast and in real life?
1. Junyoung: Truthfully, it's me, Siwan and Taehun. We are actually fun and playful in real life but we have strong self-control. Though sometimes we do make everyone burst out in laughter!
2. Siwan: Rather than that, it's our image management? Haha.

Is there a question you wish you'll not be asked anymore?
1. Junyoung: 'What is your ideal type?'
2. Dongjun: 'How do you feel when you dress up like a girl?'
3. Hyungsik: 'Why do you eat a lot?'
4. Siwan: 'Why are you so thin? Gain some weight, etc.'

Honestly, you have read fanfic of yourself right?
1. Hyungsik: What is fanfic? Something like Q&A?
2. Siwan: I heard there are many homosexual fanfics?
3. Heechul: I was searching for ZE:A and I chanced upon one where Dongjun was holding me. I was so shocked I just closed it.

The first place you look at a girl?
1. Hyungsik: The overall image.
2. Kwanghee: Eyes!!
3. Siwan: I'll look at her height. I'll check her eye level.
4. Taehun: First impression!
5. Junyoung: I look at her face, character and the way she dresses.
6. Hyungsik: Me too, me too, me too!
7. Heechul: I like a face that resembles a cat. Like Han Yeseul?
8. Kevin: A girl that has the power to awe me till I unconsciously whistle at her when we pass by each other.
9. Dongjun: Overall feelings?

When do you feel that "I'm so cool!!" usually?
1. Dongjun: After exercise!
2. Heechul: When I am laying down to sleep after a shower.
3. Junyoung: When I see all 9 of us on stage.

You've met lots of fans but is there something they did to you you thought was absurd?
1. Kevin: There were fans who touched our butts and bodies when we were walking.
2. Taehun: When we were on a music show, there was this fan who suddenly folded my arm (with hers). I didn't know what to do.
3. Junyoung: There's only one thing I hope for from the fans. Please don't search for us at our dormitory. Our dormitory is on the 1st floor so it's not very secure. There are some fans who eavesdrop on our conversations. So it is quite uncomfortable when we come out from the shower. So I hope everyone knows the limit.
4. Dongjun: There are many times where fans record everything we do with a camcorder. During our practices, when we are eating, even when we are resting usually. Then they upload it on the Internet, we feel that that's not necessary.

The time when you feel that you want to be in love?
1.Junyoung: On special days like Valentines' Day and White Day. 
2.Heechul: It's lonely during birthdays.

Which special points of members are you jealous of?
1. Hyungsik: Kwanghee hyung's variety sense.
2. Kwanghee: Siwan's fashion sense.
3. Siwan: Taehun's
4. Taehun: Junyoung's face.
5. Junyoung: Minwoo's young age! (Members: Is there nothing else you're jealous of Minwoo!??!)
6. Minwoo: Everything about Heechul hyung~
7. Heechul: Kevin hyung's English pronounciation.
8. Kevin: Dongjun's muscles.
9. Dongjun: Hyungsik's height.

Anything you would like to request from your boss?
1. Hyungsik: Leader Junyoung, please speak on our behalves!
2. Junyoung: Boss~ We'll work hard so please be kind to us.
3. Siwan: Our house is small.
4. Hyungsik: There is only one toilet.
5. Kevin: Our house smells.

Who is the member who is like a mother (good at cooking and taking care of the members)?
1. Everyone: Kevin! Kevin is good at cooking.
2. Minwoo: At times when all the restaurants were closed, he cooks rice-cake soup and steaks for us.
3. Kwanghee: It's normal to see Kevin surfing the internet for recipes and wine list.
4. Heechul: He cooks porridge for members if we are sick.

ZE:A's rappers Heechul and Taehun are of the same age, do you have things that are between the two of you only?
1. Kwanghee: I have lots of thing I share with Dongjun only. (Members: *explosive laughter*) [T/N: Kwanghee is second oldest, and Dongjun is maknae.]
2.Junyoung: There isn't special communication between the people of the same age, more than that everyone is close to each other.

If you have a sister, the member you'll like to introduce to and not to are? The reasons?
1.Everyone: Kevin! (What's the reason?)
2.Minwoo: Kevin is very delicate and well-mannered. I think he'll take good care of his girlfriend.

What's your feeling having done Mnet Scandal? ã… ã… 
1.Junyoung: If I were shooting with my real girlfriend, I would've done many more things but since the scenarios were scripted and I was thinking about fans, I held back a little.
2.Dongjun: Me too. Because I thought about our fans, the shooting was not very fun.

When did you have a resolution to be an entertainer?
1. Kevin: When I was in the 5th year of elementary school, I moved to Australia and I did a musical there. From there, naturally I became interested to sing, act and do various kind of things.
2. Minwoo: When I was in elementary school, I went to a trip with my friends, we were doing a talent show. Seeing everyone performing, I felt that I can do better. I originally liked to sing and dance in front of people.
3. Hyungsik: When I was a kid, me and my parents were riding in our car we were listening to the music and I sang along to the songs. My parents praised me a lot. I think thats the start where I got my confidence to be the singer I am now.
4. Siwan: I was attending a regular university when I participated in a singing contest. I got eliminated but I received an opportunity and here I am now!

If you get a holiday, what do you want to do?
1. Kevin: Rent a car and immediately leave.
2. Junyoung: For ten days I want to be with the members, ten days with family and ten days with my girlfriend. (Members: But the fact  that we don't have girlfriends....)
3. Taehun: I want to travel around the world!
4. Kwanghee: Haha, take pictures at the airport and return back. 
5. Hyungsik: I want to spend it with my family!
6. Dongjun: Go to Australia for one week and there's Kevin hyung's house. Then go to Jeju Island for a few days and there's Heechul-hyung's house. After going to all the members' houses and then I'll return to Busan.

What catches your interest nowadays?
1. Siwan: World Cup and our third album.
2. Everyone: However our third album preparation comes first.

Who's the person you depended on and helped you the most before debut?
1. Kwanghee: Seniors like Jewelry, V.O.S, Poppin' Hyungjoon really helped us a lot.
2. Junyoung: Our families of course...

When you were trainees, if you were tired or when you had problems,  how did you solve it?
1. Heechul: Talk with the members and get their advices.
2. Minwoo: It didn't depend on how close were our friendships between particular members ^^ 

If you get your own handphone, the first thing you want to do?
1. Junyoung: I don't need a handphone until we get number 1. But if I have one, I want to set up the ringtone and the caller ringtone! Not long ago when we were filming, we received a handphone. We downloaded our song but we didn't know how to set it as the ringtone so we just left it like that.
2.Hyungsik: I want to contact my friends.
3.Heechul: What is important is that we don't have handphones.
4.Kwanghee: I want to try Twitter and I want to do YOZM more frequently.
5.Kevin: When we turn off a handphone, the screen will turn black right. But I don't know how to turn it back on and if our manager lends his to us, I don't know how to use it.
6.Dongjun: Call my parents!

People say ZE:A is the male version SNSD. Do you have any interest towards SNSD?
1. Junyoung: I think our group is a little different. Of course, there is no man who dislikes SNSD. Because we really respect them as seniors, it's hard to have that kind of thoughts.
2. Heechul: Senior Jessica is my ideal type from a long time ago.
3. Minwoo: When we first met them in the waiting room, we forgot that we are singers too. 'Wa!! It's SNSD!' We actually screamed like that.

Members who have difficulties getting close to each other?
1. Everyone: Dongjun and Hyungsik.
2. Hyungsik: Our personalities are totally different. Dongjun is really a Busan man so he is kind of cold. As for me, I'm the magnae in my family so I have lots of aegyo. If I go to Dongjun then call him "Dongjun-ah~" and stick to him, he really hates it.

Member who is good at wasting money?
1. Everyone: Kwanghee!!!
2. Siwan: He's good at buying things on impulse. He buy a lot of things, but in the end he does not use it and throws it away instead.

There are really a lot of boygroup, but what do you think is the attraction that only ZE:A has?
1. Heechul: 9 members, 9 colors! ^^
2. Hyungsik: I walked in Seoul Collection show as Kwak Hyeonju's model. Then in another show, I walked with Junyoung-hyung. In ZE:A, I'm in charge of height. (Dongjun: I'm in charge of height too.)
3. Kwanghee: I'm in charge of entertainment.
4. Siwan: I'm in charge of the face. (Junyoung: *confused* But that's mine.)
5. Taehun: I'm in charge of rap. Tough rapper.
6. Junyoung: ... *looks around* I'm the face. Face.
7. Minwoo: I'm in charge of dancing.
8. Heechul: I'm in charge of acting.
9. Kevin: Acting, singing, I want to be an entertainer who excels in everything.
10. Dongjun: I'm in charge of exercise! (Members: *explosive laughter*)

What did you do to recover when you make mistakes during a live broadcast? 
1.Siwan: I once forgot the lyric when we were singing another singer's song. That time, I said 'Everyone, I love you' and 'Let's sing together' and pointed my mic to the audiences. And there was this one time where I was dancing too passionately, one of my shoes flew away. More importantly, I was wearing insoles and it got separated from the shoe. The other members kicked it back to me.

Member with a greed for the camera!
1. Kwanghee: Siwan!
2. Siwan: When I do monitoring for camera rehearsal, no matter how hard I look at the camera, it won't capture me. So I thought of a solution. When Dongjun is alone while the camera was capturing him, I stood beside him. That was extremely clever right.

If you are not a member of ZE:A, what will you be doing now? What were your dreams other than being a singer?
1. Hyungsik: I did fencing for quite a long time. Maybe a fencing instructor.
2. Kwanghee: Ordinary university student? I think I'll be living like an ordinary person.
3. Siwan: When I was attending university, I had experience managing a shopping mall. So I think I'll be running a shopping mall.
4. Taehun: Bodyguard. (Everyone: *laughs*)
5. Junyoung: I think after army service, I'll be attending a university and living an ordinary life while planning my future.
6. Minwoo: ...(Members: Yangsan's youth president!) I once formed a dance group and was the leader. Maybe training the dance team juniors?
7. Heechul: Originally my dream was to be an actor. Maybe I'll be working hard to achieve that dream.
8. Kevin: I think I'll still be singing. Like Justin Timberlake..
9. Dongjun: Maybe I'll be in the Olympic for triathlon... Or a body builder.

I know that your debut date was postponed. What was your feeling back then?
1. Minwoo: Because we have spent so many hard times together, we trusted each other, we believed that we can do anything if all 9 of us are together.

Let's say there is a scouting between idols, who do you want to be?
1. Kwanghee: Can I be honest? 2PM's Nichkhun.
2. Members: It's possible Kwanghee will be out of the group in the near future... But in the end will 2PM accept Kwanghee???? *joking* Should we minus Kwanghee and continue as 8??? *explosive laughter*
3. Junyoung: Actually 9 of us is more than enough. If someone get in, it'll be tiring!!!
4. Members: As expected, leader is different.

How was your first Japan solo concert??? I was happy ♥
1. Taehun: At the middle of the concert, all members made a surprise birthday party for me. I really cried a lot. I want to thank all our Japanese fans again.
2. Everyone: We can never forget the concert and all our Japanese fans.

Because you have lots of members, were there any unpleasantness or dissatisfaction while dividing parts for the song?
1. Kwanghee: We know our own abilities. When our parts are decided, we give our understanding.
2. Heechul: We have discussions among us to decide which part we should sing. If we happen to choose the same part, we'll sing in front of the composer and the most suitable person will get to sing that part. If there's no one wants to sing a certain part, we'll just decide through rock, paper, scissors.

Part of your body that you're confident with?
1. Hyungsik: Height
2. Kwanghee: Kind face.
3. Siwan: Jawline.
4. Taehun: Things.
5. Junyoung: Butt!
6. Minwoo: Bodyline.
7. Kevin: Adam's Apple.
8. Heechul: Eyes.
9. Dongjun: Abs!

 Source: ZE:A's YOZM Star Interview
Translation: akucun@EmpireChildren
Editor: skipfire@EmpireChildren

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