Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer, Eva Herzigova, Louis Deruson (?), Gemma Ward….
These top models who can be recognized simply just from saying their name all have a common denominator. That is, they've all at some point been models for famous brand name jeans such as Guess, Levi's, etc. In this way, overseas brand names prefer that they be represented by actual models. However what is Korean jean brand marketing like?
On the 22nd, the results after examining 10 of the current Korean jean brands were that almost all of the brands used famous actors, or artists as their models. Brands that had utilized artists included Guess (Lee Hyori), Bean Pole Jean (2NE1), Clride (SHINee), GET USED (Brown Eyed Girls), and Evisu (U-Know Yunho). Brands that preferred to use actors include Calvin Klein (Shin Mina), Tommy Hilfiger (Kim Minhee), Buckaroo (Shin Sekyung), Jambaeng-i (Han Hyoju).
One representative from the fashion industry stated "The trends in the jean market were originally always changing, in particular, it would be strongly influenced by the fashion style of celebrities", "As a result, a condition has developed where 'if you don't use celebrities, you will fail.' "
An example of a brand that has experienced sales increases due to the use of celebrity models would be Bean Pole Jeans. In order to create the atmosphere of a top jean brand from the moment they launched in 2003, Bean Pole jeans utilized foreign models. However in the early part of last year, they used artist Son Dambi and starting from the summer, idol group 2NE1 became the models for Bean Pole. In particular, 2NE1's style matches well with Bean Pole Jean's target market of 18-24 year olds, and helped increase last year's sales as well as last season's sale by 30%.
Marketing team head Lee Hyewon had explained "Rather than the height or body of models, consumers in Korea are concerned with what type of clothes they coordinate them with, or whether those however famous celebrities wore those clothes", "Because of this effect, two months ago, we even beat the growth of authentic jean brand, Levi's.
Source: Nate
Translated by GEE @
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