[News] Goo Hara embarrassed after comparing her body to a mannequin?

Goo Hara compares her body to a mannequin and seems to be embarrassed about it.

Recently on their online shopping mall "Karaya" (http://www.karaya.co.kr/) photo's were posted with Goo Hara posing next to a mannequin.

Netizens quickly captured interest on this picture also because Goo Hara seems to be as thin as the mannequin. Goo Hara is famously known for having an "ant waist" having a 21 inch waist.

Netizens commented, "She has a child's body", "Im very concerned with her body", "Dont worry, your still beautiful!", "She looks so cute" .

Blueprincess824@dkpopnews.net(Daily Kpop News)