Data released by Gaon on Thursday revealed that the girls, despite having made their debut on July 1, took the No. 1 spot on the chart for the week of July 25 to 31 with the title track from their single album "Bad But Good"
miss A, composed of Chinese members Fei and Jia, Koreans Suzy and Min, have also held onto the top position on online music chart Monkey 3 for four straight weeks. They recently sang the hit song as the opening act for 2PM's first concert last weekend.
"I'll Back Off" by songstress G.Na featuring Junhyung of BEAST and new single "LUCIFER" by SHINee switched spots from the previous week, coming in second and third place, respectively.
Meanwhile, SHINee's second studio release "LUCIFER" remained the best-selling album for the second week and newly released seventh album "風流" from hip-hop trio DJ DOC landed in the No. 2 slot, followed by musician Cho Kyu-chan's ninth record titled "9" at No. 3.
Credit : asiae
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