Translations :
TOP: All of a sudden, Young Bae began to worry a lot more than I did, and the time he spent thinking got longer…
TY: No, I don't think all that much.. I think people think that way because that's how I'm portrayed.
TOP: He's a young man who spends each day with a lot of worries.
TY: I mean, yeah it's true. I think and worry a lot with each thing I do, but I don't think that's something I can change. That's just my nature.
TOP: It's probably because he does worry so much that he can show you all good results, is what I think.
TY: It's difficult.
TOP: We can't let go and be comfortable without finishing up recording, so we're going to wrap everything up.. We're Big Bang, who doesn't even eat until we can give you good results. It's 9:00 right now, but we've only had breakfast. We become really sensitive when we're recording…
Credits: Big Bang forum
Translation: seungie
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