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Translation by ss501ode@ blogspot
Hello all. This is Kim HyunJoong who will be acting as Baek Seung-jo in Playful Kiss.
Ne, for a friend like Baek Seung-jo, he is one with has an IQ exceeding 200; he’s No.1 in sports, No.1 in culinery, No.1 in academics… Whatever it may be, he’s a multi-talented friend. But he’s easily annoyed to anything at all, a little selfish annoyable guy who doesn’t care for anyone else other than himself. Yet still, at a corner in his heart, he has this soft and delicate side to him. Yeah, he’s a character like that.
Hi, Jung So min here. I will be playing Oh Hani in the drama. She’s a character who, despite not able to do anything well at all, has this perseverance to push forward in any thing. She’s cute and lovable.
Hi, I’m Lee Taesung who plays Bong Jungu in the drama, nice to meet you. In the drama, I like Hani whole-heartedly…and is a comical character who is very manly and is full of drive.
HJ: In my previous drama I already wore uniform. To think that I’ll be wearing uniform again in just mere 2 years, so it seems like those refreshed memories are flashing past by again, in the previous drama it was like that, and now in this too. Be it in acting, or details, I will show and do better than the previous drama.
HJ: To the audiences who will be tuning in to “Playful Kiss”, in a shooting environment like this, I will work hard with our wonderful seniors and actors, so please show much love to “Playful Kiss”. Hopefully you would tune in on Wed-Thurs. Channel Lock-in!
Credit: imMissChievous@YT+
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