[Twitter/Pictures] Super Junior 100811 twitter updates

via @ShinsFriends
http://twitpic.com/2dmc8s 모토쿼터다~~~~ 자판이 밑에서 뿅~~ 하지만 무겁기는 살짝 ㅋㅋ 근데 매력있음 화면은 터치입니다 그냥스마트폰에 키보드가 달렸다고 생각하심데용 난 이게매력적임 ㅎㅎㅎ
http://twitpic.com/2dmc8s this is MOTORQUATER ~~~~ the keyboard below *bbyong*~~ although its a bit heavy keke but it has its charms the screen is touch , just imagine a keyboard on a smartphone i think this is the charm of it hehehe

via @Heedictator
여름이.. 온건가….
did summer .. come ….
via @Heedictator
차는 막히고 날은 쪄죽겠고.. 이런날을 위한 아이스찐빵도 메뉴에 넣어야겠다ㅡ빵안에 얼음만 잔뜩 들어있는
there’s traffic and the weather is like as if its going to steam me to death.. for a day like this i should add ice jjinbbang to the menu- a bread with a filling full of ice 
via @shfly3424
이제 3일남았다 … 힘들고 지쳐도 여러분생각하며 힘낼께요 … ^^
3 days left now… although im tired i’ll gain back my strength by thinking of you guys … ^^
via @ryeong9
@ShinsFriends 이거 이쁜거같애 ㅎ
@ShinsFriends i think this is pretty hehe
via @special1004
그냥 아무것도 안할래..
i just dont want to do anything..
via @Heedictator
아 오늘 영스 배 찢어지네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ah today at Young Street, stomaches are bursting ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [most  prob. cause they laughed too much]
via @Heedictator
땡큐^-^ 하지만 우주대스타에게 이정도는 약과 http://yfrog.us/7esexz
thank you ^-^ although for a universal big star this is a piece of cake http://yfrog.us/7esexz
via @Heedictator
아 개끊기네ㅡㅡ^ 지워야지
ah it keeps stopping ㅡㅡ^ im going to erase it  [ the video he posted]
via @ShinsFriends
이제 연습하러 고고고고 주말 콘서트를 위해 멋진무대부터 재미있는 무대까지 갑니다!!! 아참 그리고 엘프분들이 이벤트준비한단 말을 슬쩍 들었는데요…. 그준비하는곡 정확하지는 않치만 그노래 안불러요~~~ 더빨리알았음 조앗을껄 근데 저두 어떤곡을 준비하는지 잘몰라서 정확하진 않습니다 ㅎㅎ
going to gogogogo for practice now , to show a performance which starts from a great one and goes on till a funny one !!! also i slightly heard that ELFs were preparing an event…. im not sure if that’s the song but we wont be singing it ~~~ if only i would have known sooner but i dont really what song you guys are preparing so im not fully sure hehe
via @special1004
이번트콘서트때문에 해외각지에서많은분들오셨더라구요감사드리구요^^전이번콘서트단체만합니다 미안요
I heard because of this times concert, many people came from overseas thank you for that ^^ i will only be in the group performances sorry about that [i think that means leeteuk wont be having a solo perf this time ?!]
Credit: @ShinsFriends, @shfly3424, @Heedictator, @special1004, @ryeong9
Translated by: teukiebiased @ sapphirepearls.com