[News] Sandara Park is a TaeYang Fan, “TaeYang is the Greatest!”

2NE1 member, Sandara Park’s cheering for Big Bang member, TaeYang, has garnered attention from netizens.

On her me2day, Sandara Park updated her me2day with, “I just came from TaeYang’s concert! The performances were really awesome from beginning to end…kya~!” showing her deep affection for TaeYang.

She added, “TT TT The concert was really cool and great! ^^ Clap~! Clap your hands! He seems to be the coolest on stage! Today, I am TaeYang’s fan! YoungBae is the best ^_^ Tomorrow, I will also see the concert!” expressing her joy and satisfaction for the concert and seeing him perform.

Fans and netizens commented with, “I want to see TaeYang oppa too!” “It’s so nice to see her supporting her friend from the same company,” “I want to go to the concert and cheer him on too!”




Translated by: BlackjackBelle@OhDara.com/ knucklepink@DaraGonHideout.com