101008 Music Bank Performances!

Today is one jampacked episode of Music Bank with back to back comebacks from Miss A and Ukiss with Gain's solo debut!

It is BEAST vs. 2ne1 this week and BEAST managed to win this week ending 2ne1's winning streak. Congratulations to BEAST on their first win for their mini album "Mastermind".

Check out the performances:

K-Chart 20 ~ 11

K-Chart 10 ~ 3

SHINee backstage:

Moon Ji Eun - Hibiye Hibiyo

5tion - Let's Fall In Love Again

Gavy NJ - Let's Stop

SunMin + MBLAQ Seung Ho - Rainbow Bridge

Coed School - Too Late

Supreme Team - Then Then Then

Oh Jong Hyuk - Heart is Beating

U-Kiss - Before Yesterday

U- Kiss - Shut Up

Seo YoungEun feat. PS YongJun - You dissolved me

2NE1 & BEAST - Back Stage

Lim Jeong Hee - It Can't Be Real

Miss A - Breathe


2ne1 and BEAST backstage w/ MC's

SHINee - Hello

SE7EN - I'm Going Crazy

BEAST - Breathe

Gain - Truth

Gain - Irreversible

2NE1 - Go Away

Today's Winner