[Info] Who ranks first on Kpop popularity from USA?

On an online K-Pop popularity poll from USA which ended in September, 4Minute was ranked 3rd with 3.71% (33,415 votes).

SNSD ranked 1st as the most popular female artist, winning 615,640 votes out of a total of 901,611 participants. The 2nd place went to 2NE1 with 17.67% (159.324 votes). Wonder Girls who have been promoting in the States managed to get 2.92% (26,347 votes), claiming the 4th place after 4Minute.

On the male artists side, DBSK won the poll with 45,34% (433,610 votes) out of 956,415 votes. The 2nd in place is Super Junior with 31.46% (300,845 votes). Following them, coming in 3rd, is SHINee with 6.78% (64,806 votes).

33,415 is not a small figure for 4Minute. Also considering the fact that they beat Wonder Girls who have actually promoted in USA before, it may not be long before 4Minute becomes real international stars.

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