The supposed to be large group, larger than Super Junior drops from 20 members to 9. According to 20star member Ricky, 11 members dropped out from the group.
These following explanations were posted in the group's forum shoutbox.
Ricky: The members of 20STAR have been changed.
Ricky: Yonghwan, A-Run, Dowon, Daeyoung, Shinsung, Sangmin, Hwan, Rui, Ryan, Seungtae, Jaeyoon have halted activites due to personal reasons.
Ricky: There are members who have dropped out (of their own accord) and members who have left due to inadequate abilities.
Ricky: I'm sorry to bring such unhappy news.
Ricky: New members are currently being chosen.
Ricky: I'm really sorry to have to show such a side to you.
Ricky: Also, currently the leader of 20star is myself (Ricky).
Ricky: Currently we already have (found) 20 members.
Ricky: Soon, our fancafe will restart its activites.
Ricky: In future, we will work hard to show everyone our good side.
Ricky: Because of the boys who left due to personal reasons, I cried a lot. But I don't want to cry because of them anymore.
Ricky: I want to show the fans a good side of myself getting stronger.!!
Ricky: Really, thank you for always showing so much concern to us.
And because the leader of the group left as well, Ricky will now be the leader of the group.
Now, the fans are confused on would be their new name.
credits: www.gokpop.com
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