"The highly anticipated mini-drama Haru has officially been released! Taking you on An Unforgettable Day in Korea, the clock begins at 6am as you go through all the sights and learn about the culture, while getting to watch just about the cutest drama ever with all of your favorite Korean stars. This is something you don’t want to miss out on!
Taking you through several different stories, it begins with Yuhno who is an actor on set filming for his upcoming movie. His girlfriend is Lee Dae Hae who is on a journey to writing an action-packed melo-drama story, when she meets the photographer Kim Bum, stirring up some feelings for each other forming a love triangle between the three of them.
Han Chae Young and Park Shi Hoo are at the whim of whatever Lee Dae Hae writes, being that they are the characters portrayed in her story. Bringing her words to life we see a very action-packed yet goofy side of them, as they recreate Mr. and Mrs. Smith-like scenes.
Big Bang enters in as themselves, on their way to perform for little kids for their last day of school, giving them a day they will always remember.
Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Well wait no longer, you can watch the episode on their official website now! Subtitles included. Just go here.
And as you watch, you can notice that at the beginning you see a clock at 6:00AM from then on the minutes seem to go by as seconds, just so you can go all the way up to 12:00AM in such a short time, to experience a day in Korea. Also making your own travelers guide as you watch, little icons pop up at twenty-four different moments in the show, clicking on them will add it to your tags, giving you information about the culture as you’re viewing it in action. A very smart way to get you pumped for your first visit to Korea!
At the end of the drama, step two as they call it, you can view these tags again, this time actually having time to read them all. Then move on to step three where you can look at more travel guides and also take a look at the making of the film.
Don’t just listen to me talking about it, check it out for yourself!"
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