[Info] Beast Maknae, Dongwoon joins Twitter!

After Beast's Leader, Doojoon, Rapper Junhyung and Lee Gikwang, Maknae Dongwoon followed them to use Twitter. it's confirmed by Beast Leader, Doojoon who tweeted to Dongwoon not a long ago. He tweeted, "우리 막내동운이가 트위터를 시작했습니다!!!!격환해주세요!!!!^^ @beastdw" Which is mean, "Our Maknae Dongwoon Starts using Twitter! Please Follow!!!!^^ @beastdw"

Yesterday, 2 girls from 4Minute; Sohyun and Hyuna also Starts using Twitter. Keep Crossing your fingers for another Cube artist on twitter. I guess.. there will be next @4M_... and @beast__ or @b2st__ ? who knows? just keep crossing your fingers! ^^

What are you waiting for?

Go Follow Dongwoon on Twitter : @beastdw
Go Follow DKPOPNEWS on twitter : DKPOPNEWS

Photo Credit: B2STRISING