After Beast's Leader, Doojoon, Rapper Junhyung and Lee Gikwang, Maknae Dongwoon followed them to use Twitter. it's confirmed by Beast Leader, Doojoon who tweeted to Dongwoon not a long ago. He tweeted, "우리 막내동운이가 트위터를 시작했습니다!!!!격환해주세요!!!!^^ @beastdw" Which is mean, "Our Maknae Dongwoon Starts using Twitter! Please Follow!!!!^^ @beastdw"
Yesterday, 2 girls from 4Minute; Sohyun and Hyuna also Starts using Twitter. Keep Crossing your fingers for another Cube artist on twitter. I guess.. there will be next @4M_... and @beast__ or @b2st__ ? who knows? just keep crossing your fingers! ^^
What are you waiting for?
Go Follow Dongwoon on Twitter : @beastdw
Go Follow DKPOPNEWS on twitter : DKPOPNEWS
Photo Credit: B2STRISING
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