[Andromeda] Lets say you got a girlfriend during your activities and you got caught by the fans... how will you explain her?ㅠ
[Changjo] I'll say she's my real sister
[Andromeda] Was today a happy 100th day? HAPPYDAY TO TEENTOP
[Chunji] I still can't believe it's our 100th day already ㅋㅋ I was very happy today ㅋ
[TeenTop] What are you doing today~ Teentop ♥
[L.Joe] We are practicing hard ♥ Have you been well?!~
[Andromeda] What if you were at the student self study right now?? ㅠㅠ {T/N: Korean students stay at school after their hour class to study more they often stay until 10pm}
[Changjo] I'd be angry huh!!!
Ricky-ya~ Il-ranghae, I-ranghae, Sam-ranghae what's next~? ♥
[Ricky] Ahahahahah Saranghae ♥ {T/N: il i sam sa are 1 2 3 4 in korean, and saranghae means i love you ofc
♥ Ricky♥ [...] ....ㅠㅠ I really want to see you Changhyun-ah~
[Ricky] Heok..... ㅠㅠ
♥ L.Joe♥ The shoes I won on Inkigayo last broadcast finally arrived~~ {T/N: not too sure about that o__o can we win shoes on inki?? rofl} I wanna see you Byunghun-ah
[L.Joe] Congratulations~!! I wanna see you too!!
♥ Changjo♥ [...] What if I can't see my Jjong?ㅠ
[Changjo] Heol.. There's still a possibility. Fighting♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
For cap's one:
[C.A.P] Minsoo-ya~ You're sleeping? ^ㅅ^ hihi kk Sorry ㅠㅠ Even so you're handsome!!!! kkk
[C.A.P] That's because my eyes are too small and yeah I know that I'm handsome k
[T/N: 반사 means reflection, he means that he's reflecting the fan's love and sending it to her again ^^]
[ANDROMEDA] What if all muscle of C.A.P oppa disappear?
[C.A.P] Nothing to see ㅜㅜ
[TO NIEL] Niel-ah I miss you!! ㅠㅠ
[FROM NIEL] I miss you too ㅠㅠ
credit: Teen Top Daum Cafe (SOURCE) ; BGSS2Maknae + Angi @6teensontop.com (TRANS)
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