This is SS501 Park Jungmin’s agency CNR Media.
In just a short 1 week so many things have happened.
Due to the really heartbreaking matter, for us the citizens of Republic Korea, which happened 2 days before the album release, Park Jungmin gun’s album showcase & fanmeeting has to be thus unavoidedly – cancelled.
This was an event where he has been eagerly preparing for as he counted down to meet fans on the original planned day. I’d think it will be good if the many fans could understand this situation with us the citizens of Republic Korea as it was not something that we could control about. Park Jungmin gun who has been sacrificing his sleeping time to practise studiously and does album preparations will now put it more effort than before so really, do give us your much much support.
The following information is collated by CNR Media, please take your time to read through them.
1. Album release: 2011 January 20, Thursday
2. Current status of the album: This album was previously slated to consist of 3 new songs. However due to the postponement of this album, it is expected that more songs will be added into it; this, we will discuss it with Park Jungmin gun again. Therefore, the previous notice about this single album’s constituition will not follow but will instead be of a different kind. It will also be of a different price due to the above reason. Kindly take note of that.
3. Showcase & fanmeeting: 2011 January 22, Saturday
We will put up a notice laterwards as we are still in midst of adjusting the venue and timing. We will be selecting a time wherein domestic and international fans will be able to attend it carefreely, with that being the case, even if you may hold curiosity before our 2nd notice is put up, please just do wait a little longer.
4. Previously we mentioned about the autographed calendar by Park Jungmin gun to be given to participants. For those who have already received your tickets, please do come along on that day with your tickets. Instead of confirming your attendance with your ticket (for those who already have it), please only come forth to confirm your attendance for those who have not yet received your ticket.
5. For them pre-recorded schedules for tv broadcasts, we will be updating them through the ‘Schedules’ column on our domestic homepage (www.parkjungmin.net), so for any related information at all, please just refer to the ‘Schedules’ column on our homepage.
6. Any information, news and schedules about Park Jungmin gun, whether it be notices by official homepage www.parkjungmin.net or by media presses, will be relayed to you all personally by us in future days too, so for all other unrelated sources that you may see will thus not be of association with CNR Media.
7. For each and every comments that all of you send, we work hard to give you a reply in the fastest and shortest time possible after confirming every day. We do take into consideration of everyone’s views and feedbacks as we work on them. Just like how we are operating now, you could either leave your comments via mail or the enquiries column, we will continue to take them into consideration.
8. Whenever there is any events to take place, we will reveal the selected people and also their contact numbers.
9. We do know that many of you fans hold much curiosity to many things. However please really do make use of the email function or the enquiries column. Because afterall we are doing business here, and once we get many phonecalls coming in, it might cause some disruption and all, and this will also hinder our settling and preparations for Park Jungmin gun’s affairs/matters. On this, we really ask for your understanding and cooperation.
To fans who have always been so supportive and loving towards Park Jungmin gun, CNR Media is always very grateful for that. We hope that you could end off your remaining 2010 blissfully as we all take forward steps together with Park Jungmin gun’s comeback in year 2011.
Thank you.
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