The feelings JoKwon (2AM) has isn't just a show it's all true.
Now, JoKwon (2AM) has to separate his body in two, because he has to act in a sitcom and he has to become a husband in the show "We Got Married"
On the 6th of December at the MBC Dream Center, MBC held a press conference introducing the casts for the new sitcom '몽땅 내사랑 [All My love]' and JoKwon of 2AM stated "I don't feel confused at all about having to go back and forth between being a husband and starring in a drama with Ga In"
JoKwon continued "it's not just a show, instead it's really my true feelings. Whenever I have to film a show with Ga In, we may be the main character in the show, but we have to work together to get the storyline going. Outside of the filming area we have to be like lovers. We have to take care of each other so that we could keep this going. If we lack it, then there wouldn't be anything entertaining. And also if the feelings I have for her is too much to handle, it wouldn't be a good thing because it would affect my acting so I try my best to hold back my feelings. I know that I can't mix my personal feelings and work together, it would just create more problems."
And finally, JoKwon stated "starring in a sitcom is harder than I thought, at first I was worried about not being able to play the role of my character well, but then I realized that the more I act, the character's personality just sinks into me naturally and the fact that we're acting as siblings, I'm not shy and I can act more naturally."
The drama '몽땅 내사랑 [All My love]' is a drama where JoKwon could show is special acting ability.
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