‘Xiah Soul’, a fan community dedicated to (Xiah) Junsu, who is currently working as a member of JYJ and a musical actor, has donated money to the ‘Finding Sound for Hearing-Impaired Children’ foundation for the third consecutive year.
As the fans wished to gift Junsu with a meaningful gift rather than a materialistic gift to celebrate his birthday, Xiah Soul made their first donation to the ‘Finding Sound for Hearing-Impaired Children’ foundation on Junsu’s birthday, December 15th, 2008.
The first child to receive the donation was hearing-impaired Kim Dan Hee (Grade 6 at the time). Xiah Soul donated enough money to cover her artificial snail surgery and speech therapy fees and since the successful surgery, Dan Hee has been receiving continuous speech therapy. Currently, she has improved greatly and is able to engage in every-day conversations with short sentences.
Xiah Soul was in the spotlight last December for donating money to Dan Hee’s sister Dan Ah, who was also hearing-impaired, and decided to make their third donation this year to Song Yoo Chan (3 year old boy) to celebrate Junsu’s birthday.
Junsu and his fans impressed many with both singer and fanclub donating to a good cause as Junsu donated treasured belongings to the Snails of Love’s 119 Event of Love Charity Bazaar in January for Xiah Soul, who had been doing charity work in his name, and for the rehabilitation of many more hearing-impaired persons.
The administrator of Xiah Soul stated, “We find it meaningful that our relationship with the ‘Sound Finding Journey’, which began with the hopes that those who couldn’t hear could be given the chance to be moved by Xiah Junsu’s music, has been going on for three years,” and “As Xiah Junsu and Xiah Soul are both very interested in the culture of giving, we wish to keep donating to the worthy cause as long as Xiah Soul is around.”
Xiah Soul’s continuous support for the cause became the stepping stone in changing people’s perspectives of pop culture and fan clubs. Xiah Soul is being used as a desirable example of a fanclub sending a positive message to the youth of Korea to be more active in society.
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