[Photo]JoKwon "Man of the Year" for Dec. GQ + twitpics

src: GQKorea

Tweet: "Ke The original members together! Preparation was fun, the performance was fun too^^ The hugging scene.. was a parody from Secret Garden Kekekeke We could only think of this idea.. Sorry Keke

Tweet: Ah! Ah! 2AM Mic test~~ One two one two~+_+ My throat hurts>_<;; Looks like I used my throat too much today...

Tweet: "We're (2AM) practicing now! Concert "doo-doong*"

Translated by rckx92@IAMfor2AM International Forum
May be taken out with full credits
Please do not add yourself into the credit; Thanks

Finally, reposted because this needs to be posted again & again & again:

src: Kwon's Twitter, Changmin's Twitter, Ongong's Twitter, IAMfor2AM 1, 2, 3

posted by:palimpsest@omonatheydidnt