[NEWS] Leeteuk & Lee Seung-gi Mentioned About Military Service On ‘Strong Heart’, “Going Soon”

Singer-cum-talent Lee Seung-gi and Super Junior’s Leeteuk have mentioned about their military service, causing it to become a hot topic among netizens.

On the 18th January episode of SBS’s “Strong Heart”, the both of them made a notice about their military service after viewing a video message of a super ajumoni* who is in the Marine Corps.
On the day, their notice about their military service started from the humiliation talk from Lee Jung who hails from the Marine Corps. Lee Jung said that “During the corporal days (my) successors took me along with them to get ice cream in order to sooth our throats”, and that “Luckily the super ajumoni recognized me. She said that ‘(I) didn’t see him, he went back to the camp’.”
Later on, Lee Jung confessed that “When I went to the market, another ajumoni met my eye. However, this ajumoni said ‘It’s a pity that the kid Lee Seung-gi did not come (to the army)’”, provoking laughter. Lee Jung also provided laughter with his begrudged expression and by saying that “Even though I wanted to demand an explanation from the ajumoni, but I also wanted to ask ‘then what kind of kid am I?’ as well”.
Under Lee Jung’s soliciting, Lee Seung-gi sent a video message, saying that “Uh, super ajumoni I’ll be going soon as well. I’ll go and buy ice cream. At that time other people will be popular. When you think about this kid Lee Jung you won’t feel embarrassed”. Following that, Leeteuk amused the crowd by countering with “Super ajumoni, this kid will go to the army soon as well”.
* 아주머니/Ajumoni: A term used to address an older woman; literally ‘auntie’.
Source: Newsen
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net

Credits: Icepluscoffee
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