Super Junior's Eunhyuk and SHINee's Minho decided to prank Hongki by pushing Shin Soyool and Girls' Day's Minah into the F.T. Island dorms. Shin Soyool entered first and said, "Hongki, noona's here! You haven't changed a bit!" Minah entered right after and said, "Oppa what are you doing? Who's this woman?!"
However, Hongki had no attention to spare on what was going on, because he was more worried about covering his legs, because he was only wearing boxers.
Check out the scene below.
The scene starts right away and he confesses he's not wearing any pants at 1:17.
Eunhyuk also discovered Hongki's mousepad was SHINee's picture, making Minho wonder if Hongki was the chairman of SHINee's fanclub. Check out the scene below:
Source: Newsen
Credits: PP2pinkyTOP1 and NoDaMeMoMoMiCkyyy @ YT
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