[NEWS/VIDEO/PHOTOS] BIGBANG in America For MV Preparation

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Big Bang’s album is scheduled to drop in a couple of weeks, but the group is already kicking into high gear for their comeback.
They’re currently in the United States, and plan to stay a week to film their MV, after which they’ll be returning to Korea to perform at Seoul Olympic Park Stadium from February 25th to 27th. The total cost of the MV wasn’t given, but sources say that it’ll cost the company a hefty sum of money.
Why is the MV being filmed in the United States? The group apparently wants a “foreign influence” to their video.

Note!~ someone on allkpop just said he/she saw them in Las Vegas! Posted by Jaque:
FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE THAT WANT TO KNOW WHERE THEY ARE THEY ARE IN VEGAS!!! I was at the airport picking up my friends coming from the Korean Air flight that arrived at 4 and they all came out and were in a hurry. No one knew who they were and it was so unexpected. I got TOP's signature!!!
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Aimee Lee also tweet regarding Big Bang whereabout:~

"Yes I know where your lovely boy idols are "
Source: Sports Hankook via Daum, allkpop, ㅈㄴㄷ // DliteLover @ twitter + lulu1130gd @ sina, xieshing91 @ tumblr, erinq7 @ sina@518mercuri@YT + Via Teambigbang + Sieljjang @ twitter + aimeeleelucas@twitter