Member of popular Korean boyband SS501, Park Jung Min will be having a fanmeeting in Malaysia on 9th of April since he officially started his solo activities, and will also be singing Malay songs!
(KL news) SS501 visited Malaysia in a rush 1 year ago, now Park Jung Min who is going solo will be having a fanmeeting in Malaysia on 9th of April at 8p.m. called
The one and only fanmeeting in Malaysia is organized by Need Entertainment. Ticket prices are RM450, RM350, RM250 and RM150 respectively. The organizer started the online ticket pre-sale on 9th of March at 7a.m. through “Need Entertainment” on Facebook. According to the spokesperson of the organizer, they will start to sell the fanmeeting tickets openly on 13th of March (Sunday) OR 20th of March (Sunday).
In Taiwan, Park Jung Min shook his hands with fans, hugged them, and let 100 lucky fans hug him intimately offstage, fulfilling their wishes. Alice said, Park Jung Min will not be biased, he is choosing Malay songs via Sony Music to practise diligently, wanting to perform something special for Malaysian fans!
Shaking hands & taking photos in a near distance
Alice said the Malaysia fanmeeting will be divided into 2 sections, 100 lucky fans each from RM350 and RM450 ticket zones will be chosen to attend a private gathering with Park Jung Min. “These 200 fans can shake their hands and take photos with Park Jung Min in a near distance, besides that, 5 lucky fans each from VVIP and VIP zones, can play games intimately with Park Jung Min on stage!”
Alice said, fans who buy tickets that cost RM450, RM350 and RM250 can get a set of limited edition of Malaysia version of Park Jung Min photo cards. Since it is Park Jung Min’s birthday on 3rd of April, the organizer fulfills Triple S’ wish, they will be letting 5 fanclubs to make a birthday surprise for Park Jung Min at the fanmeeting on 9th of April.
Original Article
(吉 隆坡訊)SS501的五子年前曾匆匆來馬會見粉絲,而單飛后的朴政珉配合專輯《NOT ALONE》的宣傳,已鐵定將于4月9日晚上8時,在蕉賴民政大廈(PGRM)宏願禮堂引爆《朴政珉馬來西亞歌迷會及粉絲派對2011》。據悉朴政珉的 《NOT ALONE》亦將于本月13日在大馬上架。
大馬唯一一場的粉絲見面會乃由Need Entertainment主辦。入場門票分為RM450、RM350、RM250及RM150。主辦單位已從9日上午7時開始接受粉絲透過Need Entertainment面子書進行預購。主辦單位發言人Alice透露,粉絲見面會暫定于本周日(13日)或下週日(20日)公開售票。
她 說大馬粉絲見面會分成兩個部分,其中來自RM350及RM450的各100位幸運粉絲,將可被抽中出席朴政珉非公開聚會,“這200人粉絲們將可 以與朴政珉近距離握手和合照,而另外各5位來自此VVIP和VIP座席的粉絲,還可以在粉絲見面會中,上台與朴政珉貼身玩遊戲!”
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