[News] Wonder Girls sends their ''Message of Hope'' to people of Japan

Naver.com – a Korean search engine web-portal, is running a campaign to rally support from celebrities of various fields including music, sports, movies and .etc – whom have sent their pictures holding “Pray for Japan” message  for quake-stricken people in Japan.
The Wonder Girls’ members also had sent out their message of hope through Naver’s campaign:
Lim “I was deeply saddened to hear the tragic news about Japan. I will pray for Japan to regain stability.”
Sohee “I pray for a rapid recovery in Japan. And I cheer for everyone in Japan. Please take heart.”
Sun “Don’t Forget that our prayers are with you always. My condolences stretch out to everyone in Japan.”
Yenny “Althought it might be burdensome and painful at this moment, however if you never give up, you will certainly overcome! My prayer is always with you.”
Yubin “I am saddened by the disaster in my neighboring country. I pray for all the affected to regain stability.”
{Source: naver.com}
{Credits wonderfulsworld}