[News] Han Geng laments he has no time to date, reveals that he's unable to stand girls with "Princess Complex"

After leaving Super Junior and embarking on a solo career, Han Geng has achieved encouraging results, aside from planning to hold a concert in Hong Kong this year, he has also participated in a movie alongside Wu Chun, fulfilling his development in both the music and movie industries. As he is too busy with his schedules, Han Geng confessed that he does not have the time to look for a girlfriend, but revealed that his ideal girlfriend is a gentle and quiet person, and declined the approach of girls with the "Princess Complex"*.

According to the reports from Hong Kong's Singtao Daily, Han Geng expressed that he would be making his development in Asia, including places such as mainland China, Malaysia, and Japan among others. When discussing about his future projects, he said that: "The first movie that I've played the lead role in, "Da Wu Sheng", is a movie that I'm really looking forward to. In addition, I will also release a new album. I hope that I can have a breakthrough (success), and allow the audience to see another side of Han Geng. Aside from that, I may have the opportunity to hold a concert in Hong Kong at the end of the year."

Han Geng expressed that there's a connection between Andy Lau and him holding a concert in Hong Kong, saying that: "The other time I came to Hong Kong to watch Andy Lau's concert, the feeling was great. I've had plenty of inspiration as well, and had thought up about a lot of interesting things; I want to do something different on stage. Of course I can't tell you now! I have to remain mysterious." Han Geng joked and said that if he has the time to work out, he would also show off his muscles during his solo concert, and wants to invite his idol Jackie Cheung to be the special guest (on the show), expressing delightedly that: "I like his songs. He also has tremendous charm while on stage, so of course I would like to have the chance to be able to sing with him. Jackie Cheung is also the main aim of my efforts."

Han Geng admitted that after leaving Super Junior, he initially did not feel accustomed (to the conditions), saying that: “My mood was really different. I feel happier while working now, because the staff and band members around me at the moment are people who have worked with me for a long time, and everyone has a common understanding of one another. Initially I wasn’t too accustomed to it, but it’s all good now! Perhaps it was because I felt rather pressured (in the beginning). In the past, we would perform as a group, but currently, I’m facing the audience alone on the stage. However, the moment I hear the applause given by the audience when I go on stage, I feel touched by it.” When asked about the reason he left the group, he explained that: “It was not on impulse, it took a long time to be formulated and planned. It’s because of problems in terms of communication, difference in culture. Problems slowly cropped up.”

(Even though) his schedules are hectic, Han Geng did not particularly want to find a date in order to adjust his life. He would go to bed the moment he returns home, and would listen to music at home when he has a break, (claiming that) he wouldn’t feel too lonely. When questioned about the type of girls he liked, he said that: “(She) should be a person who is good and sensible, someone who is kind and quieter. I don’t mind bubbly girls, but they must not be too chatty, because I don’t like to be annoyed. If they’re too chatty it would feel annoying.” While discussing about how a number of girls have the “Princess Complex”, Han Geng admitted that: “Of course it can’t do if (the girl) has a Princess Complex! I can’t stand girls who are too arrogant.”

* A woman with "Princess Complex" is someone who has excessive confidence, and expects to be treated like a princess. Usually women who have developed the habit of being protected since they were young, and also being served by the others.

Source: TenCent Entertainment
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET