[Picture] SHINee’s Key updates me2day with a cute message to Jonghyun !

Friday, April 8 was Jonghyun’s birthday, in which he turned 21 (Western conventions) or 22 (Eastern conventions). To commemorate the day, Key uploaded a photo of himself and Jonghyun together making funny faces. Read what he wrote below:

[Key]생일축하기념!!! 팬여러분과의 생일파티도 재밌었습니다! (내가 준 썬크림으로 피부미남 되세요.)
[Key] Commemoration of birthday celebration!! The birthday party with our fans was interesting!! (Become a pretty boy with the suncream that I gave.)
How adorable! Don’t you think that Key is just like an umma, always looking out for the other members’ health? We hope Jonghyun has been recovering speedily and can join SHINee soon in activities.
source: shinee’s me2day
translate by: rong @ weareshining
shared by: michelle @ smtownjjang