[Info] TOP 100 most searched twitter accounts in Korea

Trend Seek, a Twitter Ranking in Korea posted the top 100 most searched twitter accounts in Korea. Mostly, idols dominated the ranking. The most searched twitter account belonged to famous Korean novelist Lee Oisoo (@oisoo) who currently has 781,147 followers at the moment.
Idols followed afterwards, 2nd is JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong, SJ’s members like Heechul (3rd), Siwon (5th) and Leeteuk (6th) also made it to top 10. Jay Park didn’t fail to be on top 5 and placed on 4th rank.

Members of idol groups like 2AM, Beast, U-Kiss, MBLAQ, and other famous personalities also included. Even some fanbases made it to top 100 as well.
Last but not the least, Daily Kpop News (@dkpopnews) at your service made it to top 100 also and we placed in rank 81. Thank you very much. Our deepest gratitude to our readers.

click the source link to view the full list.
Source: Trend Seek
Written by @shaynekay@dkpopnews.net