[NEWS] Big Bang's Interview in Junon Magazine, June Issue!

If your members were girls, who would you like to be with?

VI: Eh? I have to choose among the members?It is difficult... En....
It is not(laugh). Take me please.

G-Dragon: All the members. Everyone of us has our own charm.I am not able to choose only one among them.

TOP: All the members. The reason is I can imagine random things about it.

SOL: No.If this happened ,then I would like to remain single. (laugh)
D-Lite: If I were a girl, I would like to meet a boy like myself. (laugh)

Member's unique answer for JUNON
The title of the concert this time is 'Love and Hope' , we can feel the love. Please explain what your hope (dream) is.

TOP: I love all of my Japanese fans. Because of this, I wish there is hope among them too

D-LITE: I love the title of this concert, 'Love & Hope' and cars.

SOL: I love you too, the fans who are surrounding me. My hope(dream) is to touch the hearts of a lot of people.

G-DRAGON: I also love cars. Moreover, I also hope that the people who have suffered in the disasters can gain back their smiles as soon as possible.

V.I.: Recently, I have poured my love in my fitness management. For hope...I am thinking, thank you. (laugh)

Has been appearing consecutively for 5 months!!
You can find us here for 5 months.
2011 BIGBANG is today

Finally~ It is there! This month, we have G-Dragon to be featured in our magazine! The leader is fashionable but he is also famous for his non-made up face. Please enjoy the following interview which we have done with him!

Work Q1: The 1st half of 2011 has passed swiftly. Then, for GD, how did you pass the 1st half of 2011? Please also conclude with some words about the activities of BIGBANG in the 1st half of the year.
GD: GD&TOP, VI SOLO,BIGBANG COMEBACK, SPECIAL ALBUM, and then BIGBANG 2 album, we have released many albums within a short period of time, we are able to show a variety of colours. For me, I have also been doing a wide range of activities, my feeling toward them is beyond description.

Work Q2: You have released album ‘BIGBANG2’. How are all the songs like in this album?
GD: We want to organize the songs that we have introduced when we have been promoting in Japan and also introduced the new songs that we made this time together.We want to share with you the music that we have made after we have experienced life even more. We would be delighted if we are able to do so.

Work Q.3 Please introduce the newly released songs to us.
GD: ‘TONIGHT’- a song that carries the style of BIGBANG. It has been a long time since we have a striking song which can display our individuality. The stage performance also worths paying attention to.
‘Ms. Liar’- it has a interesting melody and the lyrics is also interesting. We use the rhythm and musical instrument which can produce the style of rock to make this song. After adding all of these elements, we ended up getting a even more interesting song.

Work Q.4 I think he songs which are included in ‘BIGBANG 2’ has been packed with a lot of feelings that you had, what is the most favourite song of GD among all the songs?
GD: “LOVE SONG’! this is the most recent song that we have released in the 1st half of this year. This is the last song that we have promoted in Korea for our activities in the 1st half of the year and is the last song in ‘BIGBANG 2’. This is a song which has been deviated from the regular image that what BIGBANG’s music should be and gives you a fresh feelings. The MV is also very special!!

Work Q5: Sad songs, happy songs, etc can be found among the songs of BIGBANG. How can you produce the songs which can move people?
GD: It depends on the songs; however, it is for sure that I have tried my best to write the songs with my heart. I believe that the most important thing is we believe can really communicate with the listeners in this way. We have talked a lot with our members and staff, I will make the songs which many people can be related themselves to and be comforted after listening to them. In addition to the lyrics and the melody of the songs, we also place emphasis on the overall atmosphere that the song brings out when we are producing.

Work Q.6: In ‘Tonight’ and ‘Ms. Liar’, GD has made a dog-like howl in both of the songs. Is it your recent favourite?
GD: There is a fixed style for rapping but it can also coupled with individuality. My ‘sound’ on the stage presents the image of GD which let you know he is there. The performance will be more interesting with this element added. I Hope that whichever songs that you listen to with such a ‘sound’ in it, you will think of me.

Work Q7: In the 2nd half of 2011, what will Big Bang going to show us?
GD: We are also anticipating about it! We plan to collaborate with famous as well as new song writers. We firmly believe that we can deliver a feeling which is different from those in the past, please look forward to it, everybody.

Private 8: Any style to recommend? What is the most favourite thing that you have bought recently?
GD: In the past, I used to prefer wearing clothes which colours can attract attention as much as possible. However, recently, I prefer simple chic style more. Moreover, I also collect rings and bracelets. The most favourite thing that I have been wearing recently are 'Chrome Hearts' accessories.

Private 9: Wearing accessories can make you feel happy. What do you like best?
GD: It is a difficult question... The hair was set in order to match the atmosphere of the song. I had to fit the concept. As time passed, it is a little bit embarassing to look at this hair style I have set previously. (laugh)
Now it is pink in colour,I don't think it is too bad.

Private 10: Sometimes, you are cool and sometimes you can be innocent... We can see so many facial expressions on GD's face, what is your true character?
GD: Certainly, I am what every one of you think I am like. My personality can be seen partly under certain situations but the whole can only be seen by combining all together. I will be glad if you can think so too.

Private 11:In the love songs that composed by GD, there are sad ones happy ones and provocative ones... A wide variety of love can be found. Which song of Big Bang is the closest to the love story of GD?
GD: For example, the song 'What is Right' (a Korean song) I was not very sure what love was although I know better when I am growing up. I write about the innocent feeling that I felt in those years. I cannot find the answers anywhere, I always think it is difficult to handle love affairs.

Private 12: What has recently made you happy? Share something like what you have been obsessed with or what have made you burst into laughters.
GD: Previously, we have gone to 'Jeju Island' which is a beautiful place. We had a lot of fun there. I want to go there again.

Private 13: Lastly, please leave a message to every fan of Japan.
GD: I always thank you for your support. I knew that I was not able to be with you together when you were experiencing the sadness, I pray that there will be a lot of good things happen soon. The concerts of BIGBANG is a good memory for everyone and I am glad if the concerts can give you power. And please don't change your love towards BIGBANG.

Source : As tagged via 21 bangs
Credit : Rice @bigbangupdates