(Single) Release Event Nishinomiya
With the early morning travelling from Sapporo, we've come to Osaka.
Regardless of the early morning travelling everyday, the members are energetic without showing any signs of tiredness.
From now it's the radio recording.
Something that happened in Sapporo.
Hunting for breakfast with the members in the airport shops.
While choosing the food they each wanted to eat, what Jay chose was,
The snack called "Jaga-Pokkuru". [T/N: It's a snack like potato sticks that's only available in Hokkaido airports, souvenir shops, etc.]
When I said to choose proper food to eat, and not snacks,
"I want to eat this snack no matter what." said Jay.
When I said "You won't grow taller",
He panicked and hurriedly took milk in his hands.
Everyone in Kansai please take care of us today.
It's at Nishinomiya Gardens from 6pm onwards.
Nishinomiya Done
Nishinomiya (single) release event has also ended without problems.
Everyone who came over today thank you very much.
Although the forecast said it'd rain but, somehow it was good weather!
As expected The BOSS are sunny guys.
The members were probably excited as well, it was kind of a longish MC segment.
Tomorrow's Kawasaki, the day after tomorrow's Nagoya outdoor events will also continue so,
Please do come and play.
The two from the younger team who hate vegetables,
Although today Jay added spring onions on his takoyaki and ate it,
Injun took away his spring onions and ate it.
Source: The BOSS' Staff Blog
Translation: amber@AstroMAFIA.com
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