[News] Male sub-unit group of Coed School to not debut next month

The male sub-unit group of Coed School was previously set to debut next month. But it seems that their debut is being pushed again. Member, Yoosung, updated his Cyworld recently regarding their debut delay.

Our comeback will not be in July because as you guys know T-ara sunbae-nims, Davichi sunbae-nims, Hong Jinyoung sunbae-nim, and Yangpa sunbae-nim are scheduled to comeback. To show a more perfected stage we will be having some more preparation and 5dolls' last stages are this week so please cheer them on a lot. We'll work hard until the male unit and Coed School comes back so thank you ~~!!

Meanwhile, the female sub-unit group, 5Dolls, will be wrapping-up "Like This Like That" promotion this week in order to allow their senior of the same agency, T-Ara, to begin their comeback promotion next month.

Credit: Core Clique
Source: Yoosung's Cyworld
Translation: justastar. @Core Clique