[News] Park Yoochun Is The 'Happy Cutie' Of 'Miss Ripley' On Location

Park Yoochun has been labeled the official ‘Happy Cutie’ of ‘Miss Ripley’.

In MBC’s Monday-Tuesday drama ‘Miss Ripley’, Park Yoochun currently plays the role of Song Yoo Hyun, the successor to a global resort empire who gives Lee Da Hae all of his pure and innocent love.

With his warm voice and bright smile, Park Yoochun seems to take on the role of Song Yoo Hyun perfectly and has been pulling at the heartstrings of his female viewers as they give him praises like, “Amazing acting.”

Park Yoochun’s bursts of lovely charm don’t just stop inside the tv screen; staff members of the drama state that it continues on into the filming location at all times. According to the staff, when the actors are on a break or waiting for their turn, Park Yoochun lifts the atmosphere by giving off his cute charm.

In the short span of time in which filming has stopped, Park Yoochun showers the cameras with continuous V’s. At other times, he jokes around by acting serious as he draws caricatures of those around him.

When he makes an NG or gets his lines wrong, Park Yoochun shoots the staff with his charming ‘smile with crescent moon-shaped eyes’ or bursts out laughing, so loud and hard as if he’s using all the muscles in his face, making the entire staff and crew laugh along with him. A staff member stated that filming is always done in a happy and cheerful atmosphere because of the ‘cutie’ expressions and charms of Park Yoochun, the youngest person on location.

Even Kim Seung Woo calls him a ‘junior he values’, proving Park Yoochun’s well-mannered and friendly personality. Because he strikes up conversations with staff members who are tired and takes care of everyone around him, he is extremely popular among the female staff members.

Source: [chosun the star]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net