Super Junior, f(x) and SHINee returned to Korea through Incheon international airport on the 13th at 3pm after finishing SM Town live World tour in Paris. SM Town is a brand of collaborative tour of the singers from SM Entertainment. For the first time ever, a collaborative tour by a Korean management company was held in Europe for 2 days gathering over 14,000 audiences.
When we met Super Junior at the airport, even though they were tired, they didn't lose their smile saying it's going to be difficult to adjust to time difference. They felt pride in themselves for starting the fever. They did not hide their confident determination that they want to hold an European tour with their brand of concert called Super Show 4.
Below is the members' answers.
▲ It was a k-pop concert first to be held in Europe. Is there really Hallyu?
Before leaving for the concert, even we were doubtful. When the concert started and we looked at the audience, there were people from all races that we couldn't believe that it was our concert. What was unique was that there was a special feeling from European fans. It was only European people that followed our choreography from the start to finish. They were carefree that we felt like we went to a club and they were enthusiastic in expressing themselves. (Leeteuk)
▲What did they find charming about k-pop?
They said it was freshness that they haven't felt from other music. I heard that they are passionate about singing and dancing and that they approach things emotionally. I met some fans who said that they heard k-pop incidentally, but they were drawn to it that they came to enjoy it with people around them. (Donghae)
▲ We want to hear your feelings on holding a concert in Europe.
It was different from the last year's L.A. concert. L.A. has a Korea town and it felt close to us emotionally. But Europe was like a new world. It felt amazing and new to us who were performing and the fans who enjoyed it. I felt touched when the fans who only saw us through Youtube thanked us for coming. (Siwon)
▲ You must have had a busy schedule. How did you spend your time?
We saw the Louvre museum, Montmartre hill and Eiffel tower. Kyuhyun likes wine so he woke up early to look at wines. (Siwon)
▲Some French medias were critical of the concert.
I saw the reaction through a news article. If I was the French media, even I would felt the same. Isn't it a country that has pride in their culture? I'm sure they did not expect so many people to go wild over it that it would have been a shock to them. They could not have directly expressed it so I think they reacted like that. (Leeteuk)
▲Is there a memorable moment?
People from the embassy and Korean people living in France visited us and said thank you. They said it was the first time that Korea received attention like this in Europe. It felt good when I thought we gave them encouragement. (Donghae)
▲It seems that you could do concerts in other countries.
Among the members, we talked about how we want to do Super Show 4 in Europe as part of our tour. I really hope that happens. (Leeteuk)
Source: Sportshankook
Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM
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