[Trans] Q & A from IU's 1st Fanmeeting

Q.1) You're now a famous star in korea, but if you have a dream want to achieve, what is it?

A: Well, i want to make my special album, which is composed of “only” my own songs as soon as quickly.

Q.2) What do you think about your fans?
A: It is so hard to define a one word… but without fans, there is no star. so if fans dont exist, IU CANNOT exist neither. (comment:wow..what a great interview.. she is a REAL star..)

Q.3) What kind of action of fans makes you feel high?
A: On sunday, i’m taking charge of inkigayo MC. you know, sunday is end of a weekend, so i feel tired a bit but when im entering at stage i see a huge placard hanged in the middle saying, “Lets focus on IU!” or when i see fans who cheer me at there. im feeling much better.

Q.4) What do you do before going to bed?
A: i used to write diarys but now i watch a movie. yesterday i watched “be with you”(comment:Japanese movie). i want to recommend is “Ponyo on the cliff”(comment:Japanese animation. her favorite movie style is Japanese style? lol) i really like that~

Q.5) How do you relieve a tension before playing on big stage?
A: Unusally, i feel tense more on small stage than big stage. i guess on small stage, i can see so many faces clearly. i warm up at a backstage,(comment:and she makes weird sound like dolphins LOL) and i pray sometimes.

Q.6) Do you have your own “know-how” to manage your fans?
A: Hmm…(many people at there shout somewhat unquite sure) i think you know the answer already.. What is it? ‘a bunch of audiences said “Jo-ryun! Jo-ryun U!’(cm:”Jo-ryun means “tame” in eng lol) Jo-ryun?? Do I? how? ‘someone say “wink!!”’ ohhh… i see.. i wink frequently when i feel tense~ (cm:And some people request to her to wink then she did for audience. lol)

Q.7) Do you press “cheer” button when you go to “U-ae-na”(cm:offical fan cafe)? what do you do there?
A: I think i did that 2~3 times lol.(cm:”cheer” button is cafe widget which has the function to cheer one’s star to compete in the star ranking) i pressed it when i was ranked around 17th but now that i ranked around top 10(cm:she is 7th now), so i dont click on it anymore.(cm:hmm…really?? =P) and i visit “2030 board” often.(cm:Its a free board, made for adults.) because there are many good posts about me, so i can get a clear view of the feedback from my works. and there are many people give advices to me. and “of course” i access many many other boards and sites too~ (cm:but i guess she dosent enter here coz her english is limited…¡_¡)

Q.8) When do you feel you made a great choice of becoming a singer?
A: When Corinne Bailey Rae(cm:you know, IU’s favorite singer) came to korea for a concert, i was a guest and was asked to sing opening perform, then she told me “Why dont we sing together?” i felt blessed when i heard that.. it was really really wonderful moment. i cant forget that time~

Q.9) Whats on your mind when you watch the commercials that you are in?
A) Honestly i feel embarrassed a little. i feel unfamiliar a bit, but sometimes its so fascinating so i scrutinize it. i think Galaxy S2 CF and SKT CF which i duetted with late Kwang-seok Kim singer(thanks to IT technology) is the best one.

Q.10) If you liken your music life to clock, What time is it now?
A: Well……hmm……i think its 12:00 PM. because its lunch time, so active. when i grow up more, i want to play dawn-styled, quite and peaceful music.(cm:i saw a monitor wrote by that questioner. i guess she got some misunderstanding about this question… when i saw that question at first, i think he thought “If you suppose the life of earth as one day, Human existed about a second” this saying, and want to apply that to IU.. but IU understand that a bit different way..)

Q.11) What song you want to recommend to your fans?
A: “Ki-ha Jang and Faces” new album. Songs in that album is really interesting~ “i saw a TV” M/V is really great. i hope you see that.

Q.12) When is a recent time when you did “lol”?(cm:you know, IU’s signature laugh)
A: Well.. i think i do that rarely these days. At past, when i appear on Radio, i do that many times, but i think i dont do that many times these days..(cm:thats tooooo bad…¡_¡)

Q.13) Your own song “take my hand” dominated all the music charts in korea, how do you feel about that?
A: First, i think my song got the popularity thanks to The Drama, because its a very successful drama in korea these days. and i was suprised a bit coz when i practice composition, i dont usually write this up-tempo, modern rock style song. im used to writing slow and quietly songs..so i had a difficulty to composing this song a bit, but it went so great. so i think i need to study many different music styles.

(Source: weheartiu.com)