[Twitter] Eunhyuk is in... love?

Super Junior Eunhyuk tweeted after a very long time... His tweet goes..

@AllRiseSilver: 너랑 나랑은 예~ 말하자면은 그렇고 그런 사이니까!! 아 진짜...장기하님 짱이심

Trans by thdgyal

@AllRiseSilver You and I are yeah~ If I want to put it into words we're a relationship that is like this and that!! Ah really...Jang Giha you are jjang

ELF seeing this tweet, started to raise questions like, "To whom?" , Who is she oppa? "
Well cheeky Eunhyuk is cheeky, he is actually pertaining to a song by Jang Giha and the Faces which is a K-indie band. He's literally pertaining to this song:

The video is so funny! That's why Eunhyuk fell in love with the song!

Source: Eunhyuk's Twitter
at Youtube