[Twitter] Heechul, "M&D's music video is out!!"

M&D's music video is out. With Kyungjin, Ssamdi, Hongsi, Jonghoonie, Yongyongie, Jia who performed melodrama acting. Thanks to the director who has a short temper, the filming of the music video was finished in 10 minutesㅋㅋ Jungmo said he would be late so we didn't wait for him, just filmed our shots and went outㅋㅋ D is a man who has no wait time.

Source: Heechul Twitter
Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM

LOL 10mins filming??? Haha!! So Director Hee is kinda strict right? If you're late, then you're out! ^^ Seemed like they are only playing in the MV? KUDOS to all!