[LETTER] Chunji : Teen Top 1st Anniversary

To. Andromedas ♥

Hello, it's Chunji~ ㅋㅋ
It's been already 1 year~ 1 year since Teen Top was born~
Now that I think that we passed a year with all of you, it seems that only happy and joyful things happened~
You know that it's all thanks to our Andromedas that we could have the happiest year right~?
I'm still shaking when thinking about when we did our debut with Clap...
You can't forget the debut stage nor our comeback stage with Supa Luv right?~~~
Everytime I stand on stage I'm nervous...
Because at those times everyone is here screaming our names and supporting us, it seems that I get even more strength~ Thank you ♥
Since Teen Top will work harder we won't! Deceive you~

I promise that we will do it together~ ♥
Now we can't be separated from our Andromedas right? ㅋㅋㅋ~
And today the wet season began suddenly, that changing weather!
Be careful of the cold~~
You can't be sick at all
Happy first anniversary~~
-Chunji JJang-

Source : http://cafe.daum.net/TEENTOP
Translation credit BGSS2Maknae@teensontop.com

Take out with full credit