2PM's Taecyeon ate lemons quickly for a challenge and shed an explosion of tears.
On the episode of '2PM SHOW' that will air on SBSPlus on July 16th 11 PM, 2PM, who is challenging unique missions, will be trying to break the current Korean record of 'Quickly eating lemons'.
Like the challenge of eating lemons, last time on the first broadcast on July 7th, they challenged V6's acrobatic human towers and Hallyu star Kim Hyunjoong's new record of turning the heavy iron hula hoop for the longest time.
In the recent recording, before the members tried challenging it, they responded by saying "It looks sour even just looking at it," showing a very non-beastly side to them. However, Junsu and Nichkhun hinted at their confidence, saying "We eat sour foods well."
On this day, for the lemon-eating challenge mission, because it included trying to break the record of peeling a lemon the fastest, the members started with learning the know-hows of this first.
Additionally, Taecyeon, who especially cannot eat sour foods well, even cried from the strong sourness while eating the lemons. It was even more eye-catching because Taecyeon did a body gag and caused big laughter last week on the first episode.
On this day, even the Director of Korean Records, who was present at the filming site, watched the 6 members of 2PM try to break Korea's best lemon-eating record with interest.
Reporter Park Ahreum
Credit Newsen
Article http://news.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201107120835131002
Translated by khy127 @ W2D
May be taken out with credits
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