[TRANS] 2PM WPK Interview, Summer 2011


Jpn-Kor: 보노링 @woogle | Kor-Eng: Egle @2pmalways | scanned by Yooko_11

Journalist: Finally you’re going to release your 2nd single in Japan, but was it hard to decide and get used to your new concept as well? (laughs)

Junho: It is a song that showcases the real 2PM charms even in Japan.

Journalist: So does that mean that the song has something in common with all the songs that have been previously released in Korea?

Taecyeon: I think it’s close to the meaning of “manly”. But it’s more like avoiding the beastly part of us, and concentrating or our gentle manliness. Gentle male charisma! That’s what’s important. I think that’s the song with which we’re hoping to express that.
Nichkhun: Eventually it became a very attractive dance song!
Chansung: We’re changing our concept every single time in pursue of new style, so I don’t think it’s possible to say that it’s similar to any song we’ve had before (in Korea).

Journalist: I see. Should we look forward to the dance this time as well?

Wooyoung: Personally, I think this dance is going to become a big hit.
*everyone laughs*
Junsu: Not exactly like that, but it’s more like, it would be great it if became a great hit?
Wooyoung: I just got very confident about it after having practice the dance for many times.
Junho: In a sense this dance was a challenge for us.
Wooyoung:That’s right. Even though we can’t say much about it yet, it is very gentlemanlike and appealing. I think you’re going to like when you see it.

Journalist: Can you show it a little bit here? That dance…
Oh, I haven’t seen a dance like this before!! It really seems like it’s going to be a hit, just like Wooyoung says.

Nichkhun: But it’s very hard to practice this dance. We’ve tried really hard to make it look like it does not require strength at all, and that it’s a very free dance…

Journalist: I want to see it live as soon as possible. Although I would also like to talk about your previous activities. You had a Zepp your, haven’t you. Before that, you’ve also had a showcase… That’s a great deal. Not everyone is able to do a Zepp tour, even among the Japanese artists. It’s hard if you are not a famous singer. What’s your main goal in Japan in the future? What would you like to do?

Taecyeon: I wish we would be able to participate in Kouhaku Uta Gassen*. Because I think this program is very meaningful.
*(T/N. It’s a very important year-end festival in Japan, where only the most successful Japanese singers and extremely famous foreign singers participate. Korean example would be Tohoshinki/TVXQ)
Everyone: Aah~! Kouhaku Uta Gassen!!
Nichkhun: I also want to have a concert on a slightly bigger stage. For example in Nippon Budokan or Tokyo Dome.
Everyone: That’s right but… we must work hard for it.
Nichkhun: We’ll keep on working hard, because we really want to do it!
Junsu: (In Japanese) I’ve been working on a few songs recently, and it would great if I could give a few of my songs for the Japanese artists to sing, or work with them on it together.

Journalist: Whom would you like to work with?

Junsu: With JUJU and with Yusuke… Listening to such artists’ music also helps me with my Japanese studies.

Journalist: Since you’re composing, do you have some kind of system like MIDI which helps you in this job?

Junsu: It’s not perfect, but I have a kind of equipment. It’s good enough to record decent vocals.
Wooyoung: I also want to participate in Kouhaku Uta Gassen. It would be great if we had a chance to perform a variety of music together with Japanese artists.
Chansung: Everyone told everything already… I’m also for that… Kouhaku…

Journalist: What are you planning to do in Korea? You’ve just released a new album in Korea as well, haven’t you?

Taecyeon: Yes, we’ve just released an album.
Junsu: It’s 2PM’s 2nd album.
Taecyeon: Yes! We’re putting all of efforts so we could show everyone our new style and different music!
Junsu: I think that this time we’ll be able to reach out to everyone with a slightly different style.

Journalist: You’ve tried all kinds of activities in Korea right? Like variety shows and dramas. Are you planning on doing that further on? Something like acting.

Taecyeon: Of course, we’d like to try other fields beside music if we had a chance to. But this year our schedule is completely full of our musical activities, and for this 1 year I want to do 2PM musical activities properly to the very end. It would be great if we could venture into other fields next year, if we get a chance to.

Journalist: Then the last two questions! What is 2PM to you? And what is music to you?

Wooyoung: 2PM is our name. I think 2PM is something that represents us, so I need to work hard to work hard not just as Wooyoung, but as 2PM’s Wooyoung, in order to make our name more well-known. And music… To be honest, I don’t know what I would be doing now if there were no music. I’ve always liked dancing, so I wanted to become a singer ever since my childhood. In a sense, I suppose music will continue to be an integral part of our lives in the future as well. I want to become a person who is able to properly protect that special part of his life.
Junho: 2PM is my family, and music is the magic spell which keeps me alive.
Everyone: Oh~!! Nice!! *laughs*
Chansung: Hard times, happy times, we can live through anything if we are together. We get happier when it’s ok, we get stronger when it’s hard, 2PM are people with I share these kinds of moments firsthand. And music… It makes me happier, and sustains me through hard times… that’s what music is to me. I wouldn’t be able to be without it. Although I’m not exactly sure how I could explain it well…
Taecyeon: Ah, suddenly I feel like crying… First of, 2PM is something like brothers and family to me. We’re always fighting and jealous of each other, but I think 2PM is something that keeps us and sustains all of us. And as for the music… I’ve mentioned this before, but I guess it’s something like oxygen? Ah, not oxygen, but air!! So I think it’s a part of my life without which I would not be able to exist.

Journalist: Ah, what a nice line.

Junsu: As for me, 2PM is the beginning… the trigger of my life. I think it was a great beginning. And as for the music… I think it’s a thing which allows me to express myself in the best way possible. I think I wouldn’t be able to exist without music. That’s exactly what I’m thinking.
Chansung: Oh~ So music is the reason Junsu-hyung exists!
Nichkhun: I think 2PM is the best chance I’ve received so far. I can’t even image what I would be doing now if I weren’t a member of 2PM.
Chansung: A cook perhaps?
Everyone: *laughs*
Nichkhun: Either way, that’s why I think it’s a great chance I’ve received. And music is a kind of bridge. A bridge which connects different people and different countries…
Everyone: A bridge which connects heart to heart. Peace!