[News] Kim Hyun Joong, 1st Korean On Taiwanese Talk Show
Kim Hyun-joong is quite the recognized face all across Asia. As of late, it appears that his face will become even more recognizable in Taiwan.
On August 15th, Kim became the first Korean star to guest on a Taiwanese TV talk show, titled "The Person". This show is one of the top-watched shows in the country, with it broadcasting in Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia, Malaysia, and the United States. Some of the most notable guests have been Andrea Bocelli and Jay Chou.
On Kim's episode, he talked about growing up, his debut, his blossoming acting career, and his recent solo mini-album. He even gave a performance of his title track "Break Down".
The recording of the show will air on August 21st.
Credits: KBS Entertainment
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