[News] Kim Jaejoong’s ‘Department Head Bracelet’ Becomes A Hot Topic

The ‘department head bracelet’ of Kim Jaejoong, who is currently appearing in SBS TV’s Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Protect the Boss’, has become a hot topic amongst viewers.

On the 24th, Department Head Cha Mu Won (played by Kim Jaejoong) reminisced about the painful memories behind the bracelet he owned. Considered as the only article left to him by his deceased father, the bracelet is a piece of jewelry that means a lot to him.

The fact that he presented No Eun Seol (played by Choi Kang Hee) with the precious bracelet added an interesting scene to the plot.

After the episode aired, viewers began calling the bracelet that Kim Jaejoong wore the ‘department head bracelet’. With a unique design of white gold and a black leather strap, it is said to fit Cha Mu Won’s image very well.

Mucha, the company that specially produced the bracelet, explained, “It’s a distinctive bracelet that incorporates a former watch design. With diamonds and natural rubies, the bracelet is made out of leather. The ‘C’ logo in the middle represents the Cha family.

Source: [TV report]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net