[PHOTO] G-Dragon poses with his bike from Bean Pole

Message: 얼마전 빈폴 스타일멘토 GD에게 전달한 빈폴자전거 기억하시나요^^ 생일선물을 받고 기뻐하던 GD! 직접 자전거에 올라 멋진 인증샷을 찍어주었군요. 스타일리쉬한 일상, 빈폴자전거와 함께하길 바랄게요~ [JY]

Translation: BeanPole: Do you remember a while ago Bean Pole send a bike to Bean Pole’s style mentor^^ GD is pleased to receive the birthday gift! He then step onto the bike and let (us) to take a shot. I hope he’ll be stylish everyday with Bean Pole bike~[JY]

Source: @_BeanPole

Translated by @vVIP_6819