Translated a few more questions from PlayGirlz – - Tomorrow today (KST time) will be the last day to send questions to sdongenter :D
Fan: 리지 안녕♥ 일본 에는 언제 오는가? Lizzy Hi ♥ when are you coming to Japan?
Lizzy: ㅡ이번주에 일본에 가요^^ ㅡI’m going to Japan this week^^
Fan: 애프터스쿨 글을 많이 쓰 고있는 체리블로거라고 합니다. 가끔 글이 기사화되기도 하는데 혹시 읽어보셨는지 궁금하네요. After School is referred to in my Cherry blogger posts. I sometimes write articles and I’m wondering if you ever saw and read.
Lizzy: 항상 잘 보고있습니다^^ 좋은글 진심으로 감사드립니다 I have seen^^ thank you very much
Fan: 언니 한번만ㅠㅠ아잉ㅜㅜㅜㅜ ㅠ Unni once ㅠaing ㅜ ㅜ ㅜ ㅜ
Lizzy: 아잉^.~v Aing ^. ~ v
Fan: 리지는 형제있다?(^^) まこ♡ Lizzy has a brother? (^^) まこ♡
Lizzy: いいえ ~ No ~ (She answered in Japanese)
Fan: 언니는 악기머 잘해요?? Unni do you play music instruments well??
Lizzy: 단소 잘불어요 I do well
Fan: 리지짱♡ 오하요–!! 일본에 왔을 때, 어딘가에서 쇼핑나요? Lizzy Oh- -!! When you came to Japan where did you shop?
Lizzy: 하라주쿠에서 쇼핑하곤했어요^^!! I am used to shopping in Harajuku^^!! (Shopping and Entertainment District in Tokyo)
Fan: 리지누나 미워할꺼에요..질문20번은 한것같은데 ㅠㅠ I hate Unni Lizzy…I’ve asked you a question 20 times ㅠㅠ
Lizzy: 미워하지마여 ㅜㅜ 아잉^.~ Do not hate ㅜ ㅜ aing ^.~
Fan: 그 밖에 어떤 질문하면 좋을까?^^ △ △ (ミ・。・ミ) Hello Kitty♥ What else should I question? ^ ^ △ △ (ミ ・ ・ ミ) Hello Kitty ♥
Lizzy: 키티 이모티콘 너무 귀여워요~^_^ Kitty’s so cute ~ ^ _ ^
Fan: 외국연예인중, 존경하는 사람있어요?? Among foreign artists, who do you respect??
Lizzy: 저는 오프라윈프리요~^_^ Oprah Winfrey ~^_^
Fan: 목요일에 애프터스쿨블루 팬싸인회예요? On Thursday After School Blue will have a fan-signing?
Lizzy: 그렇습니당 ㅋㅋ!! Yes Partyㅋㅋ!!
Fan: 리지 언니〜〜♡♡ 일본의 팬의 인상은 어떻습니까(。-_-。)? ZUSHI FES 갑니다! 전력으로 응원합니다! 리지언니 너〜〜무너무 사랑해♡♡ 일본의팬 아미♡ Lizzy ~ ~ ♡ ♡ What is your impression of Japanese fans (。-_-。)?Are you interested in ZUSHI FES! Cheering! ~ ~ I love you Unni Lizzy from Amy a Japanese fan ♡ ♡ ♡ (Zushi Fes is a Japanese music Festival)
Lizzy: ほんとに 親切だ!!☻、Really nice! ! ☻, (She answered in Japanese)
Fan: 언니 지금 제일 어디 가고싶어용? Unni if you could go anywhere right now?
Lizzy: 부산집좀가고싶어요 ㅠㅠ I want to go home to Busan ㅠ ㅠ
Tweets: AsFan
Trans: AfterSchoolDaze
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