[NEWS] After School and Lee Seunggi to collaborate for The Saem!

After School and Lee Seung Gi will release a CF for Saem cosmetics.

Behind the scenes pictures from an unknown Saem photoshoot were released a few weeks ago. Turns out After School spent that day working on a CF for the cosmetics brand. At the beginning of shooting for the CF After School showed their feeling by expressing both anticipation and excitement.

A fermented tea cream is one the Saems newest products and will be the center of the CF. Lee Seung Gi already a spokesperson for the makeup brand has a soft charisma while After School is newly appointed and emits a youthful and vibrant femininity that will be sure to attract consumers. In the last scene of the CF Lee Seung Gi says a witty joke and a delightfully cute Lizzy will interact with him. This scene is expected to induce laughter in audiences.

Not surprisingly it was said that Lee Seung Gi and After School enjoyed shooting in a friendly atmosphere. Fans can look forward to watching the CF soon as it will be released and shown on cable starting September 2nd.

Credit: Marketing + jkn Trans: AfterSchoolDaze