[News] B1A4 acknowledges fangift on a music broadcast

There has been discussion recently about rookie idol group B1A4 wearing a cap given by a fan on stage.

On the 12th of this month, a post titled 'Rookies B1A4 really acknowledges fans' was uploaded on to an online community.

The post says "I started to like the rookie idol group B1A4 who made their debut in April. After hearing that they will be making their comeback in the middle of September, I planned to give them a special present".

After writing a post titled 'comeback present' while deciding what to prepare, the fan decided to make a special cap, knowing that B1A4 member Baro wears caps very often. Matching the teen idol image, the cap is black with cute props attached to it.

Shorting after, B1A4 wore this cap on stage for MBC's Music Core. The post says "I made this cap in the spare rest time that I had in school and never imagined that they would acknowledge it by wearing it on stage", expressing how touched she was.

The netizens who saw the pictures said "the B1A4 members seem really kind", "the cap was made well enough to be worn on stage", "they are idols who are thankful for the presents that the fans prepare whole-heartedly" etc.

Source: Kukinews
Translations: chrestos @ FLIGHTB1A4.COM
Take out with full credits to the source and translator.