[NEWS] Jaejoong’s Accessory Records Highest Figure in the History of SBS Star Nanumi Auctions

Group JYJ’s member Kim Jaejoong has recorded the highest figure in auction and so is gathering all eyes.

SBS held a Star Nanumi (T/N: translated as “sharing”) Auction from August 3 to the 30th of last month. In it, the auction for the possessions of the cast of the SBS TV drama Protect the Boss took place.

At this time, Kim Jaejoong offered as items to be auctioned off his necklace and bracelet. The price which began at 200,000 KRW broke 1,050,000 KRW in 8 days. At the time of the closing, the item was auctioned off for 1,520,000 KRW (approximately 1,520 USD) and so is gathering all eyes. This is the highest figure that SBS Star Nanumi Auction has ever had, and is over twice the figure recorded by Cho Hyeonjae’s shirt which is the second highest (at 720,000 KRW).

On the other hand, currently in the Nanumi auctions, the items from the cast of I Will Live Cool, The Musical, and Tree with Deep Roots have been revealed.

Source: ENews24
Translation Credit: JYJ3
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