[TRANS] TEEN TOP Hallyuu Pia Gourmet - Japan

» Please introduce yourselves.

Everybody: Hello. We’re Emotional Teen Pop Band, Teen Top!

» What’s the secret to your teamwork?
C.A.P.: Because the six of us live together in a dorm, we’ve become completely like brothers.
L.Joe: Also, because all of us really like games, whenever we need to decide something, we usually decide by playing a game (laughs). By doing it that way, we automatically accept the result and I think we’ve also gotten to know each other.

» What do you do on days off?
Niel: Even if it’s an off day from work, because all of us are students we usually go to school.
L.Joe: On the weekends we sleep, or sometimes go to see a movie with another member.

» What restaurant does the group often go to?
C.A.P.: Because we’re still students, it’s not like there’s a certain restaurant we often go to, but we all like Baskin Robbins (31 Ice Cream).
Changjo: Because they have them all around the world (laughs).

» Who’s the biggest eater among you?
Ricky: I think it’s me and C.A.P. hyung.
Chunji: C.A.P. hyung doesn’t eat a lot of snacks, but when it comes to rice, he eats tons of it.

» Do you have any interesting anecdotes from going out to eat together?
Ricky: There aren’t any funny stories, but when we all go out to eat meat, no one says a word to anybody, we do nothing but eat. (laughs)
L.Joe: While we’re all concentrating on eating, suddenly C.A.P. hyung will tell somebody, “don’t overcook the meat!” (laughs)

» What do you think of Japanese food?
Changjo: The first time we came to Japan, we made soba as a group for a video shoot. Maybe because of that memory, when I think of Japanese food, the first thing that comes to mind is soba.
Niel: I like gyuudon and okonomiyaki best.

» Please tell us what you’ve been doing lately.
Niel: We are promoting our first mini-album. We’re working hard in order to present a consistently improving image and a new stage, so please keep an eye on us.

» Which artist do you want to become like?
Changjo: Our goal is to be like our Shinhwa seniors and give splendid performances. I think we’re working hard to become a group like that.

» What’s your goal at this point?
Chunji: Our ultimate goals right now are to rank #1 on a music program and to win a rookie award.
Ricky: In order to make our dreams come true, I think we have to work even harder.

» Please give a message to Japanese fans.
C.A.P.: Hello. We’re working hard and making preparations in order to meet you as an even better-looking Teen Top, so please look forward to it. Thank you so much to all of our fans in Japan who continue to support us from afar.

translation by babyspaceangels@tumblr/momoironiel.com