[TRANS] TEEN TOP Hallyuu Pia - Japan

“We Want to Make a Major Debut in Japan and Meet Lots of Fans!”

This year, Korean artists like SHINee, BEAST and MBLAQ who debuted two or three years ago have made hugely successful debuts in Japan. Needless to say, the idols who are anticipated to make the next break-through are ones who debuted in 2010. One can say that among those groups, Infinite and Teen Top are the leading candidates. We caught up with Teen Top in a Seoul studio just after a music program performance of “No More Perfume on You,” which describes a young man who is dating a girl of the same age and an older woman at the same time.

“400 Days After Debut, We’ve Grown So Much”

» August 13 was your 400th day. Please tell us in which ways the members have grown since your debut.

Niel: Changjo has gotten a lot taller (laughs). He was good at dance before, but now he’s even better, just great!

Changjo: For L.Joe, it’s his songwriting. Because he can write really expressive songs now, the day when he’ll be able to unveil a new song may come soon.

L.Joe: Even though Ricky has the magnae image, he’s gotten manlier too. But since he’s so charming, don’t you think the number of his noona fans has only increased?

Everybody: Wow!!

Ricky: I think C.A.P. hyung’s facial expressions on stage have gotten better and more varied. You could say this about all of us, but when we first started his face would freeze up a lot because of nerves. But lately he’s gotten used to smiling (laughs)

C.A.P.: Chunji has also gotten taller too and his face looks more grown-up. Did he catch up to me? (laughs) On top of that, his vocal and dance skills are growing greater and greater.

Chunji: It seems like Niel’s lips are getting thicker and thicker… (laughs) He’s become more comfortable on stage, hasn’t he. His voice and dance skills are continuing to grow and he’s gotten a lot more fans. He’s getting really good-looking, too… is this enough praise for now?

Everybody: Ahahahaha!

» At the time of your debut, the fact that you were put together by Shinhwa’s Andy was greatly hyped, but what kind of instruction did you get from him?

Changjo: Practical advice on things like what you must do when you go on stage left a big impression on me.

Niel: Because Andy hyung is strict about manners, he taught us that we must always greet people properly.

Changjo: Not just before our debut, but even now he’s always giving us advice!

“Sixteen-year-old Noona Fantasy: who’s likely to cheat on their girlfriend?”

» At the end of July, the first mini-album “ROMAN” was released, but the initial photograph which was revealed, with bare legs, underwear and high heels, had a powerful impact (laughs)

Chunji: At first we were all supposed to wear high heels, but they only looked good on me and L.Joe (laughs) We wore the heels so we could understand women’s feelings, and it was really fun! If there’s another chance, I want to try to wear them again.

L.Joe: Just Chunji, okay (laughs)

» Who has the prettiest legs?

Chunji: Ah… We’re all guys.

C.A.P.: They’re all totally guys’ legs (laughs)

» Up until now you’ve always had a cool image, but with the song you are promoting this time, “No More Perfume on You,” you’re more like the real teenagers you are, aren’t you?

Changjo: During “Clap” and “Supa Luv,” I think we showed a really masculine, frowning image, but this time the point is looseness and smiling.

Chunji: Our faces are getting stretched-out from smiling (laughs)

Changjo: Because we have to smile for the whole three minutes.

Chunji: That’s right. So if you look closely, there are times when we’re forcing ourselves to smile (laughs)

» In the music video, Chunji is playing a cocky young man who’s cheating on his girlfriend with an older noona, but in reality which member is the one who’s likely to cheat?

Niel: (in Japanese) ナマイキ! [Cocky!]

Chunji: It’s not me!

Everybody: (pointing at Chunji) Unanimous vote! (laugh)

Chunji: That was just my image in the video! I’d only love one girl!

» Okay, then which member is the nicest to girls?

Niel, Chunji, C.A.P.: (raising their hands) Me!

Everybody: Hahaha!

Niel: All of us are nice! You gotta be nice to girls!

» Guys like to fantasize about being called “oppa,” but girls like to fantasize about being called “noona,” too. For you as teenagers, how do you see noonas?

Chunji: Oh is that so? In that case, “noona——!” (laughs)

Niel: Noonas are really sexy and beautiful!

Ricky: Noonas take good care of us!

C.A.P.: To put it simply, noonas are sexy and dongsaengs are cute.

Changjo: Mystical!

Chunji: Regal!

Niel: When we do fan signs, most of the fans who come are junior high school students, but recently many noona fans have come as well. It seems like we’ve gotten more noona fans.

» The song “Tell Me Why” which was recorded for the mini-album was donated by Shinhwa’s Minwoo, wasn’t it? What advice did he give you?

Chunji: We sat down together and he talked to us about the song, it felt like we were having one-on-one lessons.

Changjo: He told us that the way we express emotions is very important. We were a little lacking in feeling. While we were recording, Minwoo gave each of us individual guidance, like “emphasize the feeling” and “putting emotion in when you are singing is important.”

Niel: He also told us that this song is “a song to give hope to people who aren’t able to smile.”

» Shinhwa’s Eric made an appearance in the video for “Supa Luv”. What kind of presence does Shinhwa have for you?

Ricky: They’re our role models. If you bring up Shinhwa, you think of how they have continued for over 13 years. They’re real friends, aren’t they? We must value our friendship just like our seniors do!

“Personal Goals and Teen Top’s Future”

» You’ve been to Japan many times, what has been memorable to you about Japan?

Niel: The hotel! Even if we make a mess, the next day it’s totally clean - what a great system!

L.Joe: We love the hotels!

Niel: I think we should try it once. If we make a really huge mess, could they clean it all the next day?

» That would be really troublesome, so please don’t (laughs). At the “K-Pop All Star Live in Niigata” event last August, Ricky’s pants seemed like they tore on stage…

Ricky: That’s right. It’s the worst mess-up I’ve had since we debuted (laughs). The instant that my pants leg split open, some fans saw and their faces looked totally shocked. Afterwards I looked at my pants and saw that they had really torn badly. But the fans praised me for continuing regardless!

» What are your personal goals in the future?

Changjo: Of course there are various things I’d want to try personally, but as for us as Teen Top, I want us to go higher!

Niel: For me, it’s acting and activities as a solo singer.

» You did child acting, didn’t you.

Niel: Yes. I’d like to make use of my experience and try acting. I’d like to try a role like T.O.P. sunbae in the movie “Into the Fire.”

Changjo: I’d like to appear on a variety program or be a radio DJ. If I did acting, I’d want to play somebody who’s a bully!

» If you were to bully one of the other members?

Changjo: All of them. (laughs)

L.Joe: For me it’s songwriting. I’d like to become a producer who makes songs into hits. But lately, I haven’t had time to make any songs…

Ricky: Because I did child acting, my dream was always to be an actor. So I’d like to give acting a try.

» C.A.P., you featured in NS Yoonji’s “Wanna See You Again” as a guest rapper. Was doing individual activities fun?

C.A.P.: Yes. I’d like to try doing more collaborations with other singers in the future. But this time around, because our promotions for “No More Perfume on You” coincided, whenever I appeared on a music program it was always with the other Teen Top members, so it didn’t feel like I was doing solo activities (laughs)

Chunji: I tried acting in the “No More Perfume on You” video and it was quite interesting. Besides that, if there are opportunities to appear in variety programs or solo activities, I’d like to try those as well.

» What kind of activities would you like to do in Japan in the future?

C.A.P.: We’d like to make a major debut in Japan, stay in Japan and meet lots of fans. Please look out for Teen Top in the future!

One thing you’d like Changjo to stop doing:
“Don’t give up on anything, to the very end!!”

One thing you’d like Chunji to stop doing:
“Hyung, your face is too small~”

One thing you’d like Ricky to stop doing:
“Stop screwing around, cut it out!!”

One thing you’d like C.A.P. to stop doing:
“Please don’t beat up idols… (;_;)

One thing you’d like L.Joe to stop doing:
“Talking in your sleep”

One thing you’d like Niel to stop doing:
“Be quiet——! Stop talking so much!!!!”

translation by babyspaceangels@tumblr/momoironiel.com