[TRANS] TEEN TOP Haru Hana Vol. 007 - Japan

The “Younger Men” have come back

Their new song goes all-out with the cute appeal of younger men.

» The promotions for their 1st mini-album, ROMAN, put the cuteness of these young boys out front and center, spotlighting their upbeat song and dance. They also presented a shocking image in their teaser picture, posing in underwear and high heels!

Niel: That was really embarrassing, but it made us feel kind of liberated too. I think it could be the top summer fashion! (laughs)

Chunji: It was really interesting and fun, and (the high heels) were surprisingly fun too!

L.Joe: Yeah, almost like it’d be okay to wear them all the time (laughs)

Changjo: We put them on too, but we didn’t get photographed. Maybe our legs were too manly and it looked weird (laughs)

» The lyrics of the lead song, “No More Perfume on You,” also became a hot topic, describing a young man who’s fooling around with an older woman. What if you were really dating a noona?

C.A.P.: I’d want to do everything for her, and become a guy she could depend on.

Changjo: I’d want to come up with “events” for her and celebrate her birthday.

Niel: I’ve heard they’ll get mad if you don’t do those things… I’m quite shy, so I think a noona who would take care of me would be good.

» Among the members, who’s the most spoiled?

Chunji: Because he’s so cute, it’s gotta be Ricky.

C.A.P.: Even though he’s really mischievious and there are times when you want to hit him (laughs)

Ricky: Yeah, I think it’s me, too! (laughs)

» The lyrics are about being attracted to the smell of perfume, but in reality, what kind of (woman’s) scent appeals to you?

L.Joe: I think a natural air is good.

Ricky: Like the smell of soap and such.

Chunji: Or shampoo. I like natural scents.

» This summer, the Japanese fan club was relaunched. What would you like to try doing with the new fan club?

Ricky: I’d like to do an impressive show that can’t be seen anywhere else!

Changjo: I’d like to try making appealing stage outfits.

Chunji: It would be nice if we could design our own clothes, wouldn’t it?

L.Joe: And then do a sensational performance.

C.A.P.: Our dream is to give an impressive performance on a Japanese stage that only Teen Top could do!


Q: What’s your favourite Japanese word?
A: “Gets!” It’s important to put your hands out in front when you say it (laughs)

Q: What kind of girl do you like?
A: Somebody who’ll really look after me.

Q: What are your usual clothes like?
A: I like loose-fitting clothes. They’re comfortable and relaxed, and easy to move around in.

Q: What do you do to take care of your voice?
A: To preserve the quality of your voice, it’s necessary to keep the high tones. It’s no good if your throat gets dry, so I drink lots of water.

Q: Draw what you want most right now!

A hat, fashionable clothes. “Everybody, I miss you!”


Q: If you had your own catch-phrase, what would it be?
A: Beastly… something like that. I’ve often heard that I have a beastly image (laughs)

Q: If you could choose any member to be your roommate?
A: I’d want my own room. I’ve never been able to sleep when there’s another person.

Q: What’s your best subject?
A: I like English. But I make lots of mistakes with English spelling (laughs)

Q: What’s good and bad about being Teen Top’s leader?
A: I’ve never thought there was anything particularly good about it (laughs). We all help each other out and take care of each other, so I’ve also never thought it was difficult.
Niel: We’re all the leaders!
C.A.P.: That’s going too far (laughs)

Q: Draw what you want most right now!

He wants the latest version of an iPod touch.


Q: If you had your own catch-phrase, what would it be?
A: “Vitamin.” I’m like a vitamin that breathes energy into the team, kinda like a nutritional supplement (laughs)

Q: What are you into lately?
A: Lately, I’ve been into shopping. I’m interested in clothes, so I buy a lot of stuff online. I like casual, comfortable clothes!

Q: What’s your best subject?
A: I like math best. I’m not lying! (laughs)

Q: Ricky, you like movies, so which movie do you recommend?
A: I have a background in child acting, and I grew to love movies naturally because I often went to watch movies with my mother from when I was little. A movie that made a deep impression on me recently is a Taiwanese film called “A Secret You Cannot Say” (不能説的・秘密

Q: Draw what you want most right now!

iPod and music! “Ricky’s the best, right?”


Q: In the year since your debut, which area do you feel you’ve improved in?
A: I practised my facial expression a lot, and now I’m happy that when I go on stage my facial expressions have become a lot more natural.

Q: What’s your best subject?
A: P.E. I like moving my body.

Q: What kind of girl do you like?
A: Somebody cute and fresh-faced (little/no make-up)

Q: You’re a G-Dragon fan, but what is it about him that you find appealing?
A: He’s an artist I really look up to. He’s my role model; he’s a talented singer and his live performances are also great.

Q: Draw what you want most right now!

An iPad. “I love you, and thank you!”


Q: What are you into lately?
A: Sleep is the best! We have a saying in Korea that “sleep is Asian [Chinese] medicine.”

Q: What’s your best subject?
A: Korean history. History is fascinating, isn’t it?

Q: What kind of girl do you like?
A: Somebody with a cute and youthful image.

Q: What are your thoughts about being the main character in the “No More Perfume on You” video?
A: Because it was my first time acting, I was really nervous. I was shaking and I couldn’t concentrate. Luckily, I was able to act alongside [Park] Siyeon, who played the female lead. She was able to fill in where my acting was lacking. The feeling I had of maybe wanting to try acting in a musical started growing stronger (laughs)

L.Joe: I tried to get rid of his nervousness, but I couldn’t do it well (laughs)
Ricky: Even when we were fooling around right next to him, he was so nervous it was like he couldn’t see or hear anything.

Q: Draw what you want most right now!

I also want an iPad.


Q: In the year since your debut, which area do you feel you’ve improved in?
A: I’ve gotten taller and somehow or another I feel more manly. I also feel like my singing and dancing have gotten better than before.

Q: What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
A: I like work-out clothes because they’re comfortable.

Q: What’s your best subject?
A: I like English best.

Q: What’s good and bad about being Teen Top’s magnae?
A: I don’t usually get treated like the magnae (laughs). My personality isn’t so charming and cute… but I want to get treated like the magnae… instead, it’s Ricky who gets treated like the magnae (laughs)

Q: Draw what you want most right now!

Fashionable sneakers and an iPod!

» Tell us a secret about you or about another member.

C.A.P.: Sometimes I talk to myself.
Ricky: I think I might be a genius!
Changjo: Sometimes L.Joe talks in his sleep.
Niel: Ricky sneaks food by himself (laughs)
Chunji: It’s a secret.
L.Joe: Niel’s going through puberty right now (laughs)

» When you visited Japan, what left an impression on you?

C.A.P.: The rice snacks were delicious.
Ricky: The yogurt was delicious.
Changjo: The rice snacks were really delicious!
Niel: The rice snacks were extremely delicious. Also, the yogurt from Niigata was delicious.
Chunji: The produce in Niigata was so delicious, I won’t ever forget it.
L.Joe: The rice snacks were really unforgettably delicious (laughs)
** Editor’s Note: by rice snacks, they mean senbei.

» What do you want to try doing in the future?

C.A.P.: I’d like to try song lyrics and then some other kind of writing.
Ricky: I want to try acting.
Changjo: I’d like to try doing a musical like Big Bang’s SOL, and also songwriting.
Niel: I’d like to become more proficient and give fans a better performance on stage.
Chunji: Musicals, solo work, acting.
L.Joe: Songwriting and acting.

translation by babyspaceangels@tumblr/momoironiel.com