[TRANS] ZE:A @ TW COLOR Magazine Interview, November 2011 Edition

Q1: New song is very touching, the song talks about being cheated with a heartbreaking experience, among the members anyone has experience?

Everyone: Probably Kwanghee who is not at the scene right now. During high school he had such an experience! Because during that time when he was being cheated, his heart had a heavy blow, till now he has become a little crazy and his personality is in an incomplete state!? (Author’s note on the magazine: Haha, Kwanghee has some other schedules today so he wasn’t able to participate in this interview.)

Q2: If in actual fact, like the song, you were being cheated, what will you do?

Taehun: I will sincerely wish her, allow her to go freely, because there is no other way out! Of course I will let her go, I will definitely not persuade someone who is not by my side!
Siwan: Although I dislike to let her go, however if she wants to leave me, there isn’t any meaning in choosing her anymore.
Minwoo: I will try to persuade her first, if she doesn’t like me anymore, and ask her with confirmation, I will let her go.
Heechul: Before my heart gets hurt, I will first let her go, I will prepare my heart first before she leaves, I will sort out my feelings on my own. Haha, I think once she leaves me, she will be suffering in pain!
Junyoung: Definitely will let her go! Respect her choice, and wish her happiness! There is really no other choice!
Kevin: Although I will persuade her once, however if I still fail, I will let her go! Wouldn’t majority of the boys think this way?
Dongjun: (Listened to other members who allowed the girl to leave, Dongjun said “It cannot be like this!”) I believe the majority of those who met with this kind of scneario will definitely let her go. Honestly, I will also let her go, however if both parties start to argue, it’s a must to allow both parties to think about it, let both parties cool down, be silent and think about it, probably this will be another different case? Although my heart thinks this way, I did not persuade someone successfully…
Hyungshik: If she insists in leaving, I will then let her go. But when she leaves me, it’s her biggest mistake in life because she gave up someone who can give her happiness. I’m definitely better than other guys. However, this kind of scenario will not happen to me (Author’s note: Hyungshik said this confidently). Because from the start, I will treat her very well, leaving me is her biggest loss!

Q3: If there’s a time machine, have you ever though of returning back to which period of yourself? Why?

Hyungshik: I don’t want to be in the future, I would want to return back to a time whereby I made a mistake, that period when I was unfilial to my parents or when it was a period of difficulty, and change all these into the future, and allow me to start over.
Dongjun: I’m very happy now! Now I’m currently living well, I do not have any regrets with regards to the choices I made before and the things I’d done, thus a time machine to me has no significance, the past and present is the same.
Kevin: I want to return back to the past 10 years ago, that time I’ve did a lot of things, feels like returning back to start over and do better.

Q4: Please discuss your special experience when someone confesses to you? (If there isn’t anyone who confessed to you, share with us what kind of confessions you heard of)

Junyoung: Once I heard before “I like you the most, I like you more than your parents do” this kind of confession.
Siwan: During White Valentine I received a gift, and I heard the other party said: “Let’s be together!” (The members who sat by the side opened their eyes widely and told Siwan: [Is this real?] And if that’s the case, we have the similar experience! (Everyone laughed!)

Q5: Introduce this album to us!

Dongjun: [Watch out] is a kind of summer song, I believe this song should be suitable for the tropical Taiwan, the melody of the song is very happy, Taiwan fans will definitely like this, this time we prepared the album diligently, I hope that everyone likes our song!

Q6: This time during the period of prepartion for the album, share with us an unforgettable issue?

Hyungshik: While filming the photoshoot for the album cover, the outdoor shoot had an incident of capsizing, I personally can swim very well, but the waves from the sea were very strong and dangerous, but in order to let everyone see a beautiful scenery, we took the risk and finished filming the photoshoot. In the future when there’s filming outdoors, I must pay attention to safety!

Q7: If you can walk ino the cartoon world, which cartoon character do yo want to be? Why? Everyone please answer~ (at this time Kwanghee is here!)

Junyoung: Winnie the pooh, because he really knows how to enjoy life!
Kwanghee: Disney’s Duffy Bear, which is cute like me!
Heechul: Hello Kitty, pretty and cute, which is adorable!
Siwan: Small dragon Dooly, wish to have his superpowers!
Taehun: One Piece’s Pirate Chopper, the pink hat is really cute!
Kevin: Mickey Mouse. Everyone loves his character.
Minwoo: Pikachu. Who has rare strengths!
Hyungshik: Doraemon, whose pocket has a lot of things you can take out!
Dongjun: Pororo, after becoming Pororo, and dance to Watch Out!!, Ha!

Q8: (t/n: There is no question for this, I think they messed up the numbering.)

Q9: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? (Everyone has to answer)

Junyoung: Bathe.
Kwanghee: Look at the mirror.
Heechul: Listening to music while bathing.
Siwan: Brush teeth.
Taehun: Watch the news.
Kevin: I’m the most obedient, I verify the schedules for the day.
Minwoo: After stretching, I turn on the music.
Hyungshik: Listen to music.
Dongjun: First, look at the watch, and realised it’s late! After that verifying today’s schedule!

Q10: Which song in the album showcase the talent in the group?

Junyoung: Of course it’s every song. Everyone hopes to perform his own talent, especially for [Heart for 2], the entire song left us a deep impression. The melody is a lively track, but one has to present a matured side of man. In order for the melody and matured side to match, our members put in extra hardwork, so when upon listening to the song, everyone is very satisfied, listen to it also feels great!

Q11: What is a ‘must-sing’ song during a karaoke session? Why?

Hyungshik: Park Hyo Shin’s senior Snowflower. Before debut I’ve been liking Park Hyo Shin’s senior! I hope I can stand on the same stage with him one day.
Dongjun: 4men, in this life I’ve only met them once, recently during the tv station. I think they have the best vocals in the group. No matter when you listen to the song, will leave goosebumps on my skin. The voices are really too good.

Q12: What is something you would like to try but haven’t tried it out?

Junyoung: Acting!
Kwanghee: CF model! I feel like filming a CF!
Heechul: Filming a drama!
Siwan: To release my own lyrics and melody ; composer for an album.
Taehun: Feels like acting in a sitcom!
Kevin: Becoming a composer or a stage actor!
Minwoo: Choreographer! In ZE:A’s second album, I wanted to be the choreographer!
Hyungshik: A ballad album, I hope to release one!
Dongjun: Movie actor and a personal album.

Pics Credit to: YUYI@Fascinate with ZE:A (www.fascinatewithzea.com)
Translation by: jaeded@Tumblr.
Re-post by: k4orich4n@EmpireChildren.